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Human Resource - Employee Training and Development

Human Resource - Employee Training and Development


Training value and significance has long been recognized by organizations. It says that is you teach a person one time, that teaching will remain with him lifetime. In today's rapidly advancing and changing business world it has become more and more important to train employees regarding new technologies and business climate (McClelland, 2002).

In simple words training refers to an activity that can change behavior of people (McClelland, 2002). The most significant reason that is attached with training is 'enhanced productivity”. However, this is just the one aspect, training is also essential to inspire and motivate employees through enhancing their knowledge about their job importance and giving them all the knowledge they require to perform their jobs.

Research clearly states some of the major benefits of training including enhanced job satisfaction and morale, enhanced motivation, enhanced capacity to adopt new methods and technologies, employee turnover reduction, enhanced efficiencies in processes, leading to financial gains, and enhanced innovation in products and strategies (McClelland, 2002). These are just few of the many advantages associated with training, which are appropriate to the requirement of an organization and can add great value. Thus, it is really clear that training holds immense importance for organizations.


Three Aspects of Training

The Basic Orientation and Training Process

Once workers selection is done, it is really important to prepare them for their jobs and in order to do so companies take in orientation and training. Orientation refers to providing basic information to the new workers regarding the employer. Where, training programs ensure that new workers have the primary knowledge need to perform the job satisfactorily (

The basic orientation process starts with engaging one person with the charge of handling orientation of new employees. Just one person charges the orientation so that a consistent message to the workers can be delivered. However, this process can involve several persons as well but even though the overall responsibility is in hands of just one person. After deciding who should be responsible for orientation, the orientation of employees will start with providing the specific characteristics of the business to the employees. The introduction of core business material may include history of a business, layout facilities, mission, office building, goals, and others. Thus, provide the big picture of the business to employees. Then the benefits of job must be covered, as new workers are always interested in it. These may include pay, vacations, sick leaves allowed, and other benefits. Finally, ensure the introduction of new employees with existing employees within the business (

Training process starts with preparing the employees of future. They should be put at ease and then explained why it is important to learn this. Explain the problems they may face and answer any question they ask. Explain them the task thoroughly, which can be divided into parts as well. Demonstrate the employees how the task can be done and take their feedback on explain the process or ...
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