Human Resource

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Human Resource

Human Resource


Human Resources Management (HRM) is about managing people for effective performance. Its aim is to establish a more open management; flexible and caring style for staff. They will be motivated, evolved and managed so that they can give their best to support the missions of the departments in Rider hotel. Traditionally, the primary purpose of HRM has been administrative, which includes designing and administering programs, such as recruiting, training, performance evaluations, payroll, and benefits. A second purpose of HRM is being an employee advocate. HRM and human skills are no longer relegated to the status of variables adjustment but considered an advantage of resources embodying durable. The concept of competence acts as articulation, theory and practice, between HRM and strategy, operating both at the individual, group / organizational and strategic (Ling 2006).

In this context, the competence approach is to align the recruitment, compensation, training, job mobility and reclassified: it is now becoming a true strategic variable for the company. This is to identify employees holding strategic skills of the inter management taken to optimize their management. This paper will seek to provide an in depth discussion in intended, to highlight the HRM dynamics through which the container store fits with the modern day is 'high commitment' model of HRM in Rider Hotel. In order to do so effectively, the discussion will give particular attention to the problems that can be expected in the establishment of a link between HRM to performance. The management of human resource defines the success or failure of any company. This area of human resource received attention of many researchers since past few decades. The researches in this regard disclosed that a firm can only get success or achieve its objectives in present competitive environment, if it has an excellent and motivated human resource capital (Ghoshal, 2000). Hospitality industry on the other hand, is completely reliant on the quality human resource, as in this sector performance of employees is directly linked with the revenues and growth of the business.

Different aspects of human resource management fit into the overall strategic plan of the company defining the objectives and means (including humans) to be undertaken to achieve these objectives. But apart from this overall framework, human resource management becomes complex by the various constraints on the capacity to manage these resources. The acceleration of technological progress is reliant on who leads the company to adapt more smoothly but also more quickly the skills and qualifications of its employees to integrate its technical developments that underpin the competitiveness of the company (DeMarie, 2008).

The increasing complexity of tasks in the company: that links both to technical factors that require a constant increase in the average level of qualifications, but also by a reorganization of work which expands the scope of duties of employees and emphasizes more on the concept of "total quality (Brown, 2009).

The search for greater flexibility is applicable also in the field of human resource management in both its quantitative aspect (flexible working hours ...
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