Human Growth & Development

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Human Growth & Development

Human Growth & Development


During the baby stage, your baby will grow tremendously, reports Kids Health. She will gain about 2/3 of an ounce each day and will triple her birth weight by her first birthday. As the months pass, your baby will continue to learn new skills as well as gain some independence. She will roll over, learn to crawl and may even take her first steps around her first birthday. She will also learn how to feed herself and begin to communicate with you, says Kids Health. It is recommended that you play with your baby, offer her healthy foods and model good exercise habits in order to encourage her to continue developing into a healthy toddler.

Toddler Stage

The toddler stage is an exciting stage because your child will be more mobile and will also begin communicating with an ever-increasing vocabulary of new words. According to Healthy Children, your child will learn a variety of new skills during the toddler stage, including pulling toys behind him, standing on tiptoe, kicking a ball, scribbling with a crayon and building towers with blocks. He will also learn how to follow your simple directions, speak in two- to four-word sentences and imitate the behavior of others. You can encourage proper development by setting appropriate boundaries, but also by allowing your toddler to explore and learn about the world around him, says Healthy Children.

Child Stage

As your child grows from a toddler to a school-age child, she will continue to grow physically. According to Kids Health, your child will grow about 2 1/2 inches per year and also gain weight as she grows taller. It is common for children to begin to notice differences between herself and others, and your child will likely become more aware of how she looks. You can help support healthy growth and self-esteem by providing your child with plenty of nutritious food and by modeling good exercise habits. Kids Health also recommends that you ensure that your child get enough sleep.

Adolescent Stage

According to Healthy Children, adolescence begins around age 12 and continues until your child reaches adulthood. One of the most important developments during the adolescent stage is puberty. Your child will experience many changes in his body, and he will likely begin to worry more about his appearance. Healthy Children also indicates that your child will rely more on peer relationships and will form close attachments to other adults, such as a coach. You may feel a sense of loss as your child grows up and becomes more independent. It is important, says Healthy Children, to continue to offer support while also encouraging independence.

Young people in modern societies are forced to come through the significant stages of adolescence, while living in a rapidly changing and unstable world: population mixing, decreased occupation possibilities, the divorce phenomenon, lack of social bonding - small families in large societies, technology progress and media power impacts.   Thus, a significant problem for modern youth globally is the ...
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