How To Succeed In The Business World

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How to Succeed in the Business World

How to Succeed in the Business World

1. Overview

This paper will highlight important aspects of success in the business world. Individuals and firms together will be analysed. All points mentioned will be discussed one by one. However, it should be noted that in recent years, the business world has experienced a disturbing decline in the expression of positive values by some of its leaders which, in turn, led to difficulties and even collapses of several significant companies (e.g., Enron, WorldCom, and Health South). These business debacles were primarily caused by a lack of self-discipline of some company leaders and the absence of suitable organization guidelines and government regulations.

Companies typically begin to struggle when corporate values differ from the values held by employees. The result is that some employees begin to bend the rules while others lose enthusiasm for their work and disengage from daily business and work-related social activities. Unfortunately all too often, employees feel that they can express their values more often at home than at work. However, values (i.e., “esteemed qualities which are intrinsically desirable and have importance”) play a major role in how people in organizations interact with each other, how business leaders run their organizations, and what reputation a company has in the local community and greater business world. Discussing values at work is done rarely although it is important because each person has his/her own set of values which are responsible for each individual's behavior.

2. Preparing to Succeed [mental and emotional preparation, how to be productive, etc.]

Success, a tiny word, encompasses a vast field of ideas and outlook into itself. Though every one has own dimension about success but what is the reality around every one's thought is generally identical. Success means to achieve what is planned or desired in the manner reflecting the efforts, put in to the path of its achievement. Success is the reflection of significant courage, faith, determination and steadfastness. This is crossing the barriers of the way in the most competent and quickest feasible mode. (Demsetz, H. 1974 )

Success is also the forming of modalities for the ensuing efforts to be successful. It is linked with the happiness associated with the outcome of effort put in to gain it. The amount of pleasure gained as a result of success is the real test of the efforts behind the success. Success is a path full of impediments and one who over comes these bears the fruit of success, because success is always found in disguise of difficulties. The success is directly related with the emotional satisfaction and sense of achievements as well. Some times the results may not be favorable but a course, which is set for the coming successes, is formulated and a direction is set for the achievements based on this set course.

It is also the confirmatory result of the aspiration to prevail. In reality it is the determination and consistency linked with the purpose ...
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