“is There A Credit In A Relationship?”

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“Is there a credit in a relationship?”

“Is there a credit in a relationship?”

These days, it is no longer possible to consider it as something apart from the development, manufacturing, financing and product sales. Companies that aspire to succeed in the business world must be prepared to adapt their products and services to customer needs. Ideas on advertising, promotion and market shares is no longer valid, says McKenna, what matters are the relationships a company establishes with its customers, suppliers, partners, distributors and even competitors. These new relationships represent a fundamental change in the function and purpose of marketing: customer handling their real participation sell and report to communicate and exchange knowledge, share markets to set up, together with the client-new markets. Relationship Marketing is the social and managerial process to establish and cultivate relationships with customers, creating links with benefits for each of the parties, including vendors, specifiers, distributors and every one of the key partners for the maintenance and operation of the relationship

By defining market-driven company, McKenna sheds new light on the business dynamism, dialogue with the client and qualitative research concepts that has developed over his thirty years in the business profession.

Relationship marketing is seasoned with constant examples of various companies as well as on major high-tech companies today (Peltier, & Davis, 2008, 32). It also contains a marketing test, a sharp analysis of the reasons why companies succeed or fail, and amazing obituaries on the traditional functions of advertising and sales, which are being transformed by technology.

Services That Benefit From a Relationship Marketing

In recent years, there have been major changes in the competitive environment have created the need for a new marketing approach, characterized by the deepening and strengthening of direct relationships with individual customers. This means that the evolution of marketing has led its transformation from a generic marketing paradigm or liability on the paradigm of relationship marketing (Van Trijp, Hans, Hoyer, & Inman, 2006, 281).

The new marketing paradigm determines its development orientation of care and cultivation of the relationship between the customer and the organization which requires dedication to service and corporate philosophy to life in the everyday practice of all workers and the organization's actions. The client, therefore, is the essence of the life of the organization, which happens to be part of a speech or corporate communications to become effective the work of the organization, ...
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