Hostility In Group Therapy

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Hostility in Group Therapy

Hostility in Group Therapy


Managing people is an effective ask; therefore people working according to the group therapy have to make sure that the right stes are taken for effective implementation of the therapy. The counselor had to make sure that the members of the group are getting the right thepray and they are able to provide the best environment. This theory is essential for the people who are hostile and who do help the grup in ensuring that the practice that they are following is effective and will help each and every members. In order to make sure that the right steps are taken, the therapy is done in the right manner. There may be chances of a group conflict when working in a group; therefore, it is very important for the company to understand the importance of resolving conflicts. In many cases there are team members who do not work for the interest of the team, but only for themselves. Such team members should be counseled and spent time with so that they are able that the group is able to generate results. With proper counseling the therapist should make sure that such instances d not arise again and that they are able to stress on the importance of group therapy and also help the members.the therapist should be able to handle the hostile members so that the other members in the group are abl to work in peace and are also able to make sure that they achieve the aims of the group theray. This paper will discuss the hostility of the group members during group therapy and how they can be treated.


Group therapy is an important aspect of ensuring that the group is generating results that the company wants. There are different ways of ensuring the right method of group therapy; however, it should be made sure that the environment in which the group therapy is being carried out is comfortable. This helps the group members in interacting and in talking about their problems. The therapist in such cases is the group leader and helps the members in resolving their matters. The group leader should be patient and should ensure that the right steps are taken for making sure that the members work together for achieving the goals of the team.

On the other side, it is seen that there are members in team who are hostile. These are people who are not satisfied with their leader or have problems with other group members. This nature and habit of theirs ruins the productivity of the group. Hostile group members should be managed in a manner which helps the group in achieving the targets of the groups and also ensures that the right steps are taken. Group leaders should listen to the concerns and issues of the group members and then take steps accordingly. This will help them in effective management of the group and will also be able to increase the productivity of the group ...
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