Gestalt Therapy

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Gestalt Therapy for Group Dynamics

Gestalt Therapy for Group Dynamics

Fritz Perls (1893-1970) developed and publicly Gestalt therapy, his view of human nature is that customers are manipulative and that they avoid responsibility. Gestalt therapy helps a person to remain in the present, rather than live their lives in the past, bringing you more attention to the problem of trying to solve, but do not forget it. Present in a therapeutic standpoint it is know as "Here and Now." (Wallen, 1970) Gestalt psychology. One type of psychology, which emerged as a strong reaction against nuclear psychology in all its varieties, are equally hostile to behaviorism and introspectionism; its basal allegation is that the mental processes and behavior can not be analyzed without remainder in the basic units, as well as wholeness and functions of such processes from the very beginning, back to the psychology of perception, its investigation had been expanded to cover tuition and other aspects of mental life. Gestalt and group dynamics

Working in several groups or project teams in all types of organizations required to raise awareness of the dynamics that occur between the leader and the group as a whole.

In the process of Gestalt-oriented experience, the leader determined to work with individuals and groups to strengthen both. This position is not unique. It was developed and described a number of theoretically diverse practitioners, including Smuts (1926). In a sense, a Gestalt therapist always works in terms of the system (whether the customer is a person, family or group), and finds therapy as a process that takes place within the social system. Like all social systems, therapeutic systems composed of people, the overall objective and the method for achieving this objective. (Wallen, 1970) Gestalt therapy in terms of personal growth can be described as a phenomenon of the border, as a result of contact between them and the environment. therapist roles teachers phenomenological process, but also helps the client to determine how and in what ways to inform and Energy is currently blocked and excitement, and contact with the environment is now avoided. (Perls, 1992) Gestalt Therapy Process

The therapist gives the client some educational materials, namely Gestalt methods and techniques, as well as the specific type of training not only on the way he uses these tools, but also through emotional connections that are installed with the client. As part of the social system, phenomenological processes occur simultaneously at all three levels: the intrapersonal level, interpersonal and systems level. What this is referring to is the system level, the process of dynamic interaction patterns that develop in people over time and create a way to be together. These systems of a social environment that influences how people in the system feel about themselves and each other, and how they behave in that environment. These processes accounting system as a whole more than the sum of the parts. (Corey, 2008; Nordby, Hall, 1974)Some examples of processes of belief and assumptions that people hold, as they go ...
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