Group Therapy-Substance Abuse Treatment

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Group Therapy-Substance Abuse Treatment

Group Therapy-Substance Abuse Treatment


Group therapy is a form of psychological treatment, in which a specially selected group of people meet, under the leadership of psychotherapists to solve a variety of psychological problems: relieve stress, make a correction of deviations in behavior, resolve internal conflicts, etc. There are various features of group therapy that are used for the relationship arousal between the parties, including the right therapist, the so-called group dynamics. It should be taken into consideration that the differences between the group psychotherapy is there as well for the treatment of substance abuse, as the latter is the method of influence on a large number of people simultaneously, but there should not be any use of the group dynamics as the authority of personal conflicts (Rockville, 2004). This paper has considered a case study of Joe, and the implication of group therapy for the substance abuse treatment.


Background of the Case

Joe is unmarried 24 years African American. He works for a large trucking company as a dock loader. He has been found as heavy marijuana smoker and drinker. He lives with his grandparents because his parents got separated and later on his mother got expired. He has a 2 years son Charles from his girlfriend Brianna. He wants to quit all the substance use but he got captured by the cops in a street brawl when one of his friends got died. He has found so much influenced by his grandfather and wants to be like him. Moreover, he has been under the burden of credit. He is also convicted of committing crime while he was drunk.

Group Therapy-Substance Abuse Drug Treatment

It has been observed from the prior searches that the initial drug treatment group therapy vary by its very nature, it is less effective than the individual. This is most likely due to the specific characteristics of the individual addict and drug group. Fear, depression, frustration, professional incompetence, feeling of worthlessness and insecurity in public relations are an expression of the impossibility of man to adapt to changes in external conditions. Individuals suffering down, feeling his isolation from society, and perceives as hostile. He needs care and approval, which the society where he lives and works, cannot give him. In this case, only the psychotherapeutic group, which includes people with similar fates, ready to accept it, to protect, understands and helps.

This means that in the classical psychotherapeutic group includes people who are in independent living was not possible to realize themselves and cope with difficulties. With addicts they are different. Modern drug addicts are rarely alone. Most of them exist in informal groups. Possessing a certain predisposition even before the abuse, addicts are forced to seek self-confidence, gathering in groups. It is possible that drug group is the result of a failed attempt at self. This is the main difference between drug abuse and other mentally ill people. Neurotic, psychopathic personality or another patient, who suffers from mental health problems, for the first time, became a member of the team acts in the same manner ...
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