Homelessness And Poverty

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Homelessness and Poverty

Homelessness and Poverty


Literature Review

Homelessness and poverty are such crucial issues that can never be neglected at all. Many years have been passed but these issues still exist. Even developed countries have done many measures to alleviate poverty and homelessness but the consequences are fruitless. Poverty and the social segregations from the society are the significant cause of homelessness across the urbanized nations. In the same way, social policies and cultural norms and practices in United States have resulted inequalities and discriminations among the social groups who are deprived from resources therefore, resulting in homelessness and other social crime emergence.

Poverty leads to homelessness, hunger and the shortage of affordable housing is a major cause of growing crises in the United States and if this remains continued, poorest vulnerable American's future will be ruined.

In the year of 2005, the crisis of Homelessness had become worsened, many of the cities had reported for the increase in demands for the emergency food, shelter etc. In the U.S. conference of Mayors it was reported that demand for food and shelter has been raised by six percent. In the year of 2005, U.S. was not having enough shelter space to cater the need. Around fourteen percent of the need was unmet. (Murphy, W., 2005)


The report which is under consideration include; A Research Report on Homelessness in USA 2012, (The National Alliance to End Homelessness has in printed a progression of reports chronically amending in the levels of homelessness in the nation and in individual states). In order to diagram the progress towards the aim of ending the homelessness many of the steps have been taken but they results are negligible. The State of Homelessness in America series, not only inspects changes in national, state, and local-level homelessness data, but also offers data on related economic and demographic inclinations.

According to Marybeth Shinn (Department of Human and Organizational Development Peabody College, Vanderbilt University, Nashville USA) There are two levels that are mainly associated with the homelessness and these include; “Influence on the overall generosity of social welfare program and they affect the ability of particular households to access income, wealth, jobs and housing and the other level is of structural factors in which the individual may not be able to maintain the state of homelessness due to vulnerability and poverty”.


Statistics about the Homelessness:

According to the Latest National estimates, more than 630,000 Americans are currently homeless, facts show but uncertainties nurture that $85bn cuts will craft crisis even worse and they are severely suffering from hunger, food and shelter (Dan Roberts, 2013). Although many of the measures have been taken for bringing the living standard of poor communities upward by introducing Governmental Housing program, Easy short term and low interest financing, Mortgages financing, House Building financing but the issues are still in the standing positions.

It is found that mainstream of the homeless population is encompassed of individual adults (394,379 people). Around 8 percent are families with children (239,403 people in 77, 157 households) and 16 percent (99,894 ...
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