Homelessness And Poverty

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Homelessness and Poverty


In this paper, we try to explore the concept of Homelessness and poverty. We are moving very quickly in a world dominated by the issues competitiveness without a border that is to say without law. In this context, include within a legislative framework the essential parameters of the fight against poverty and social exclusion is not a luxury but a necessity. However, reading the strategy to fight poverty and social exclusion raises a concern in our minds troubling the excluded would they have been excluded from strategy, to integrate? Are we trying to miss the problem of homelessness and poverty in a strategy against poverty and exclusion? Will we, the people and organizations working for years with people in a position of social be excluded from the strategy against poverty and exclusion? How possible? How can we, in a document like this, ignore the gravity and scale has taken the issue of homelessness and poverty in Quebec since the turn of the century? We are disturbed by this exclusion and worried about the future. We are afraid of being excluded from the means, to act and, the other side of being overwhelmed by social problems more complex driven back into the dead ends of homelessness. It is these concerns that pushed me to take the time to write this memoir, hopingly to be read and contribute to the recognition of the need to integrate the fight against poverty and exclusion, homelessness and poverty.

Homelessness and Poverty

Thesis Statement

Homelessness and poverty requires a comprehensive and inclusive, in part of a multidimensional network capable of meeting the multiple needs of the most vulnerable and needy, of emergency shelter or social housing, street work in the socio-professional integration.

Homelessness and Poverty

The extent of

In this regard, Trois-Rivières is no exception, but a reflection of what is happening elsewhere in Quebec. This is we can see, despite the lack of serious study on this question, from the window that opens Quebec Solidarity Network Homelessness in Québec: social breakdown situations are many peaked unthinkable even in the early eighties.

The seriousness of the problem

We understand better the scope of this growth when it becomes aware of the seriousness of the problems encountered. 40 to 60 percent of people Hosted suffer from serious mental illness. A significant number of them have substance abuse problems more or less severe. Many have serious problems of physical health. All are blocked under conditions of miserable, often without the other way street. For even the shelters in many cases, cannot accommodate them. When they do, they cannot even not allow them to regain sufficient safety consider stability. We do not even think the sense of dignity well buried under fear and even least in the tortuous path in the labyrinths and perilous programs social integration.

Be aware that these resources operate under conditions precarious unimaginable in the context of public services, in Quebec, and they must absorb all spills and respond immediately to situations often the most difficult, with resources ...
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