High Performance Work Practices

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High Performance Work Practices (HPWPs)

High Performance Work Practices (HPWPs)


In this paper, we will have a discussion on the High Performance Work Practices (HPWPs) and their importance in the success of a business or an organisation. A number of researches throughout the world have shown that the high performance work practices are important for two major reasons. Firstly, they are important in creating the sustained and improved performance in a company. Secondly, they may create a workplace where employees are satisfied in a way that they have the sense of personal achievement through demonstrating best efforts in the work.

In this paper, we will first see the effectives of the high performance work practices. Later on, we will look on their impact on the performance improvement of an organisation in detail.


Today's competitive world in the business environment has made the companies to focus on their working practices to remain competitive in the global market. There have been crisis in the global business world from the past few years and that is why, the companies are looking for the ways to improve their productivity while offering the value added services and products to its consumers. The common approach which the most organisations adopt is focusing on the ways through which they can optimise their productivity. This can achieve through high performance; however, getting high performance is directly related to the employees of the company. Hence, the main thing to focus for achieving this goal is the human resource which is considered as the most important resource of an organisation. They are the ones who have to provide their efforts and hard work to achieve the results (Stevens 2005, 90).

Now, most of the companies and their HR departments are focusing on the ways to implement high performance systems to have high performance work practices. The companies which adopt and implement these practices are known as the high performance work organisations.

Effectives of the High Performance Work Practices in the Organisation

The most popular definition of the high performance work practices is that these are the work practices which cover three areas. The first one is the high involvement practices of the employee which establish the relationship of communication and trust among the employees and employers. These are the practices which are useful for the empowerment of employees to increase their control and decision making in their work. This may be helpful in enhancing motivation, communication, leadership and teamwork among employees of the company (Walton 1985, 77).

The employers need to show the care towards employees in terms of providing some flexibility in the timings and work procedures. If the employees are not being motivated by their employers, they often become inefficient and are of no use to the company in remaining competitive in the market. Some of the practices which may be adopted by the companies to motivate their employees are development of self-directed teams, establishing quality circles and sharing of the company's ...
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