Red Square Industries

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Red Square Industries

Executive Summary

Red Square Industries has achieved the rating system. This report considers the current assessment process and responds to the problem feasible. HR chief director examines the superiority of the performance evaluation process that exists in time intervals of position, discrimination on the basis of performance, performance, and compensation and performance evaluation record. Then, it examines the penalty assessment procedure in respect of the missing shipment umbrella organization, the bias for leniency, ill informed decisions, a violation of EEO and static performance evaluation.Here are the recommendations that the Director of Human Resources Chief gives the CEO: • the commitment of the organization Top• Prevention of leniency bias• evaluation of dynamic performance• Enhanced communication• legal treatment system performance evaluation• Staff comments

Table of Contents







The Commitment and Engagement11

Appropriate and effective skills development13

Staff retention14

Higher value-added products / services15


Red Square Industries


Industries Red Square advanced finishing system. Of finishing workshop, installation of cabinets, and custom paint crew, RED is more than just a painting company, we are leading the way in quality and technology, as well as safety and skills. Opportunities related to work supported the evaluation of performance could be given to people with different demographic characteristics comparable to those of the reviewer and not those whose characteristics differ. Advanced Finishing Systems covers the Red Square, finishing part of our assembly of cabinets and cabinet refinishing, coating exterior door, and wood finishing projects. With three different types of coatings, lacquer, urethane varnish and offer the appearance and durability you need.


Red Square of high performance work (HPWS) has been a subject of academic interest for a number of years and there are now items in place such systems are likely to be associated with firm performance improved. However, the importance of this relationship is not undisputed. Proof of causal importance of HPWS is tightened and some analysts have argued that competitive advantages observed simply consider the direct effects of the elements of good practice and effective deployment of human resources rather than a system in itself. Godard (2004) also suggests that allegations of "superior performance may be unwarranted and that" the problems of these systems are deeper than proponents assume. Based on an opponent of conventional explanations, he argues that more consideration should be given organizational context in which operate HPWS (Ordiz-Fuertes, 2003, 511).

A widely accepted definition sees HPWS as a set of complementary work practices covering three broad areas or "clusters" of practices. In Red Square (2005) report, 35 work practices are recognized in three areas:   1. High employee involvement practices, embracing self-managed teams, quality circles and sharing of information about the company;   2. HR practices, covering sophisticated recruitment process, performance evaluations and mentoring, etc., and   3. practices of reward and commitment, embracing financial rewards, "family" policies, job rotation and flexible working.

However, a key feature that distinguishes the Red Square HPWS is that the "system" is more than the sum of its parts. The argument is that sets of practices work together to provide additional positive ...
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