Healthcare Case Study

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Healthcare Case Study

Healthcare Case Study

Overview of the topic

The topic would cover the Case Study related to the patient known as Henry Wilson who was admitted to the Emergency Department. Henry Wilson is a 54 year old Bank Manager who suddenly suffered a Chest Pain on the left side of the body. Though, he does not have any medical history of Heart Problem but his symptoms were close to the condition known as Myocardial Infarction. This is the reason why he was admitted to the Emergency Department of the Hospital in order to receive an immediate medical attention because of his critical condition. In the first case, his vital signs were assessed and all the efforts were undertaken to stabilize the medical problem. Some other important medical tests were also recommended by the doctors. Therefore, all the issues related to the Healthcare Case Study will be discussed in detail in the topic.

Assessment Task

The Assessment Task requires the implementation of the ABCDE Framework. The analysis of the clinical indicators will also be required in the topic in order to determine the serious condition of the patient. The nursing interventions under such conditions are vital because they play a vital role in providing an immediate treatment to the patient. However, in the first case, the five steps of the ABCDE framework will be discussed in detail in the topic. This would be done in the following paragraphs.

Framework A- In this particular framework, there is a need to discuss whether the patient's airway was clear or not. This particular exercise required the assessment of the Vital Signs in order to have an answer to this question. The patient's airway was clear as his pain did not exacerbate during the deep breathing, cough, or any type of physical movement. This means the patient did not suffer from any serious Oxygen problem.

Framework B- The patient's breathing level was assessed as it had a lot of importance. In this case as well, the Vital Signs figures were used in order to determine the serious condition of the patient. The Respiration Rate abbreviated as RR gives an indication of the Patient's Oxygen Levels. The RR of the patient was 18 which was a normal figure. The reason is that the normal range of the Patient's Respiration Rate lies between the figures 14 and 20. The patient did not have any abnormal clinical indicators for Breathing.

Framework C- The third framework is related to the Circulation levels of the patient. This was also an important clinical indicator for the assessment of the patient's condition. The ECG was conducted of the patient. The ECG figure did not show very critical condition of the patient. A 12 lead ECG is a useful indicator of the patient's Circulation levels. Furthermore, additional tests were also conducted of the patient in order to stabilise the patient's condition. Therefore, these were all the measures taken during the Emergency.

Framework D- The fourth framework required the assessment of the Disability ...
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