Mayo Clinic - Case Study

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Mayo Clinic - Case Study

Mayo Clinic - Case Study


This Memo is written keeping in view the position of vice president of Mayo Clinic. This memo will contain description regarding the tools and methods which the employees of the organization must choose in order to increase the sales revenue by 100 percent in the international market.


To: Marketing Research Department

From: Marketing Vice President

Date: December 20, 2012

Subject: Plan for increase in the sales revenue

Plan for increase in the sales revenue

This will be effective immediately. As decided by the CEO and the board of directors of Mayo Clinic, the international sales revenue of Mayo Clinic has to increase by 100 percent by the next five years. As you people are the part of the plan that does have immense responsibility upon you to contribute towards the achievement of the goal of the organization. You have to contribute towards the achievement in the following manner.

Initially you have to identify six major potential markets which have the capability to accept international health care services. These markets may include countries, geographical locations or areas with cultural similarity. After identifying the market you have to choose effective methods through which the advantages of health care services provided by Mayo Clinic can be communicated. For this you have to contact and talk to the local people of those markets along with the individual research. In order to get into the market you have to first gain the trust of these local people. In order to gain the trust you have to research for the things which can help you to create a long lasting binding with the local people of that area. You may have to spend money to please then and make them help you (Czinkota 2007).

While doing the research for the market development you must keep in my few things. The market you choose for research must have enough potential to cater the supply of health care services by Mayo clinic. The people must have purchasing power and the mobility of goods and services should be feasible. Without proper mobility of goods and services it would be difficult for the company to lower its cost. Local people who have been into the business for many years should also be interrogated in order to get a clearer picture and to determine the demand and supply of health care services in the target market. In case if the mobility of goods and services from the headquarters to the destination is not possible research for the possible suppliers of goods and services in the local market (Gillespie & Hennessey 2011).

It is also important to mention here that while doing research one must not only rely upon primary or secondary research only as both the methods of research are very important to complete an extensive research. Using the primary and the secondary data will help you to get a broader view of the targeted market and it will also help you to understand the thinking and philosophy of the people who are ...
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