Health Ethics

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Health Ethics

Health Ethics

Ethics can be defined as the science of morality, the doctrine of the norms of human behavior in a given society (Gilon, 1994). Medical ethics brings in every doctor, every nurse, and personal consciousness of professional duty and professional moral responsibility. Category debt largely reflects the unity of social and personal in terms of morality. When a man obeys the imperative command of duty, the motive of his action is free from considerations of profit, and this is a feature inherent in the health care provider (Glover, 2005). Where a person acts in accordance with the consciousness of duty, he is acting unselfishly. The main ethical categories include the concept of "duty and dignity," which have thousands of years ago; they were developed in a variety of theories and doctrines.

In proposing a code of ethics for health units CUF was a deliberate choice made by the ethics personalist, with prejudice to other options such as utilitarian ethics (Robert, 2004). The personalist ethics considers the human person as the first and highest of all values, prevailing over the interests of science and society. The personalist ethics represents the matrix of Christian conception of man as a creature of God. In making this initial choice is to set up their own culture to the institution, based on respect for the human person, as a substantial unity of body and spirit, as a subject of rights and not an object of medical interventions and an intrinsic dignity and constitutive no disease at any stage, affects, reduces or cancels (Bernauer, 1994, pp.141). The basic ethical personalist states unambiguously that not everything can technically be done must be done because the technique is only one of values to consider when making decisions about people. As it is utilitarian does not accept that the ends, even when they are potentially beneficial, justified in themselves, all the means to achieve them. This option is not, in any way, any limitation to the quality of scientific and technical performance of health professionals who will act in health units CUF. Rather, the personalist ethics imposes all the highest scientific competence and professional because this is the first line of the respect due to the dignity of the sick. It ensures that all users and their personal interests, freely expressed, shall always prevail over the interests of professional, science or society.

Personalist ethics that inspire the Code of Ethics of the health units CUF, the paternalistic model is balanced with the importance given to personal autonomy and must be assumed by each professional, as a responsibility and not as a form of power.

Medical ethics is the latter half of the 20th century, the emergence of new disciplines. Initially, this discipline to the clinician-patient relationship as a research priority. Traditionally, physicians have the ability to help the patient tried to ask for help, the relationship between the two parties was originally standing inequality at both ends. The emergence of medical ethics door is to work hard at both ends of ...
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