Mental Health Ethics

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Mental Health Ethics

Mental Health Ethics


The understanding of mental health practice by the public and experienced psychiatric has significant implications for setting public policy. The most important issue that is deriving out of mental health is the identification of severity of the social problem. Distinct occurrences that have implications for achievement of role expectations and possession of valued societal identities embody stressful life events.

Directly, events may provoke stress by being internally disvalued. Less directly, life events may cause stress by either of two pathways. Firstly, life events may end up in the disturbing of an individual's normal and typical ways of preventing experiences of adverse life events, or mitigating the severity and time of associated subjective suffering. Secondly, life events may inflict additional requirements on individuals, the fulfillment of which is problematic. Independent of the costs in agony suffered by the mentally ill, mental illness has consequences as well for acceptance of social roles and for functioning in the social roles that are adopted or assigned. Mental illness also has implications for family formation and dissolution in that individuals with histories of mental illness are more likely to get divorced and less likely to marry, and when marrying, are more likely to do so at an earlier age (Stewart, 2008).

Best Practice Ethics

Best practice ethical standards are standards which are not mandatory but whoever practices it shows high moral standards. Not everyone follows such standards, and in some instances one even has to refrain from indulging in these standards as they can prove to be costly for his or her self. Doing charity, serving the homeless people, and helping drug addicted people to leave drugs.

Issues related to Ethics

It is not possible to set established standards for ethical practices; there are a number of issues which make standardizing ethical practices difficult. Some activities, which are ethical for an individual, might not be ethical to others. It is not necessary that people have same ethical standards. Any action might be ethical for one person but unethical for the other. For instance, drinking alcohol might be an ethical practice for person A for but person B it might be totally unethical. Similarly, some individuals may find same-sex marriages ethical and completely legal, whereas, some are of the opinion that such kind of marriages should be not allowed.

Multicultural issues related to ethics

The same opinion that is expressed in the previous part of the paper needs to be re-explained for this portion. Ethics has always been criticized for not respecting and realizing cultural differences among different people. There have been many situations where there has been discrimination done with people on ethical grounds. They have been treated in an improper way as they were from a different culture. People in different cultures and communities have different ethical standards as they take different value differently (Eidheim, 1969). Some of the examples to support this case are therapist lacking to understand a patient who belongs to a different culture or community, a Christian working ...
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