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Health Campaign

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Health Campaign for Smoking Cessation


In this study we try to design “health campaign” in order to resolve the healthcare issues. The healthcare issue selected while designing this campaign is “smoking cessation”. This research explores different dimensions in order to formulate an effective “health campaign” in order to minimize the “smoking rate” in the selected target population. This research utilizes different approaches and models in order to formulate efficient “health campaign” in order to formulate effective strategies to cope with serious health related issues such as “smoking”.

Table of Contents


Discussion and Analysis5

Description of the Healthy People5

Problem Statement5

Description of the Target Population6

Program Objectives6

Tasks for Addressing and Managing Health Care Issue7

Implication of Healthcare Campaign in Smoking Cessation7

Analysis of Smoking Expenditures8

Epidemiological Surveillance8

Tools Used for the Health Campaign9




Health Campaign on Smoking Cessation


The purpose of this paper is to construct a health campaign program that targets vulnerable population. The aim of this paper is to address the crucial issue related to the healthcare industry, and suggest a program through which the issue can be properly addressed. According to different scholarly sources, it can be interpreted that smoking is one of the most crucial issues faced by the healthcare industry. The government and the healthcare authorities are striving to construct diversified policies to address the issue of excessive smoking. It is a globally accepted phenomenon that smoking not only affects the health of the person that utilizes tobacco products actively, but also affects other people in the surrounding.

According to different studies conducted by the healthcare industry, the effect of smoking is hazardous not only for active smokers but also the passive smokers. Nevertheless, some studies suggest that the impact of smoking on passive smokers in much more intense as compared to the effect on active smokers. In 1984, Congress required that the single warning label be replaced with four labels, rotating every three months, and subsequently banned smoking on virtually all domestic flights. The efforts of grassroots nonsmokers' rights groups encouraged localities to aggressively pass and enforce new laws prohibiting sales of cigarettes to minors and requiring nonsmoking areas in restaurants, stores, theaters, sports arenas, schools and universities and government buildings.

Discussion and Analysis

Description of the Healthy People

According to different scholarly studies, the healthy rate of healthy people in United States is declining due to the issue of smoking. It is estimated that approximately 500,000 premature, preventable deaths occur each year in the U.S. due to cigarette smoking. During the 1980s, smoking contributed to an approximate total of four million premature deaths in the United States. Worldwide, smoking causes at least three million deaths annually (Curry, Wetter, Grothaus, Taplin, 2009). The deaths from cigarette smoking-related disease are not just statistics; they involve real people.

Although the rate of smoking has declined significantly, from 40 percent of the population in 1965 to the current rate of 29 percent, there are still some 50 million smokers in the United States. Approximately 32 percent of American men and 27 percent of American women smoke cigarettes. These figures represent a significant drop in the ...
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