Health And Social Care Setting

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Health and Social Care or Children and Young People's Setting

Health and Social Care or Children and Young People's Setting

Part 1

Managing an Inter-Professional Team

Inter-professional working in healthcare and social care has changed the face of service delivery. In this part of the paper we shall be focusing in inter-professional working in social care or health delivery.

Positive Outcomes Of Inter-Professional Working

Inter-professional working can provide positive and effective results when put in the right direction. Different professionals working together change the perception or reciprocal attitudes between different professions, resulting in breakdown of stereotyped and negative ideas or impression about the other profession (Holland, 2001, 76). Furthermore, the attitude of each professional is changed towards the values and utilization of team approach to caring for a particular client group. On the top of it, inter-professional practice is cross breeding of different ideas and smooth working relationship between professional and client and professionals and professionals. Inter-professional practice helps organization in generating far reaching and wider changes. It also improves the overall wellbeing and health of client or patient which eventually results in greater positive patient/client outcomes.

Complexities of Inter-Professional Teams

Inter-professional practice within the organizations also generates some complexities because every person has his/her own approach to treat or take care of patient/client. For example, A cancer patient might be treated by chemotherapy by the doctor even though there is treatment has significant side effects and small changes of success while on the other hand a nurse might feel that the pain caused by this therapy is high a lot therefore it should not be continued. These complexities eventually turn out in conflicts which are not good for the patient and overall organization (Basford, 2003, 4). These differences in vies should be recognized and authorities should find solution to these complexities because it negatively affects the patient/client's care. In other words, it is suggested that healthcare professionals should justify their treatment approached, share their views, and involve their patients/clients.

Inert-professional Teamwork Influences

Inter-professional teams work is influenced by Legislation as there has been variety of changes in the context of social and health care provisions in UK which has changed practice of professionals and helped organizations to move away from traditional practice in healthcare setting. Inter-professional teamwork is also influenced by regulatory frameworks. For regulators such as college boards, registrars, and regulatory staff have now focused on the elements such as licensing. In 2008, the British Health Minister introduced change to by laws of regulatory college which states that colleges are required to promote Inter-professional practice in healthcare setting. Inter-professional teamwork is also influenced by government as we can see participation of different level of government in support of Inter-professional education so that effective care to patients could be provided.

For example, decision makes have reflected on the financial and structural segregation of post secondary health professional training programs and considered ways to eliminate the current segregation climate between professionals. Furthermore, professional standards and service objective have also influenced the Inter-professional ...
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