Social Worker In A Health Care Setting

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Social Worker in a Health Care Setting

Social Worker in a Health Care Setting

Importance of Social Worker

There is lot of importance of the social worker especially when there is a talk of health care setting. Health care is one of the most important areas of the society so there is a huge responsibility on the social workers to help the people who are suffering from any dangerous disease and needs treatment for the cure of the disease. For instance if there is any family member in a particular home who is suffering from cancer and needs to undergo treatment, so if the social worker would get the responsibility to help that person in the treatment, it would be a huge contribution from him. There are various NGOs these days that have got a huge responsibility to help the needy people in meeting their basic needs. This is the reason why NGOs hire various social workers who can perform the job of helping people to get the required treatment. (Corbin, 1988)

Role of social worker in the treatment of patient

Now coming back to the example where if any family member at home would be suffering from Cancer disease and would require undergoing a treatment, social worker would have a huge role to play for assisting that person to get the treatment. Especially, if he would belong to a poor family, then it would not be possible for him to meet the financial needs of the disease. Cancer is one of those dreadful diseases that requires huge amount of money for the treatment especially if it is in the late stages. The costs of chemotherapy and radiotherapy would be quite high. The role of the social worker under these circumstances would be to assist the family in finding a suitable hospital for the treatment of this disease. It would be necessary for the social worker to make all the arrangements for the patient in the hospital to avoid the hassles of paperwork that becomes headache for all those patients who try to start their treatment. (Harper, 1993)

The social worker would carry out all these activities on the behalf of the NGO that will be having partnership with some of the hospitals both private and government. All the major interaction with the authorities of the Hospital and with the doctor would be first conducted by the social ...
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