Health And Safety

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Health and Safety Issues in Hospitality Industry



Health and Safety Regulations for Hospitality Manager3

Food Contamination4

Food storage5

Personal Hygiene5

Significance of food safety6

Kitchen Safety6

Safety during Operation7

Safety Emergency8

Requirements on completion of work8

Commercial Kitchen Health and Safety Issues9




The number of food related issues is increasing day by day. it is global problem which require immediate attention. In this paper, some requirements for the hospitality managers are presented and necessary skills for the commercial kitchen and chefs who are working there. These rules have greater importance in the hospitality sector and must be applied them.

Health and Safety Issues in Hospitality Industry


There are various laws and regulation related to hotel and especially food safety. Unfortunately, some recognized and local hotels are openly violating the rules. Every year, millions of people are dying due to poor standard of food particularly in hospitality industry. In order to make them efficient some suggestions are given for the hospitality manager. He is also responsible for the food standard in hotels and restaurants.

Health and Safety Regulations for Hospitality Manager

Tourist services and conditions of supply must be safe for life, health and property of tourists and the environment (Mayburry & Swanger 2011, pp. 33-45).

While rendering tourist services, it is necessary to avoid any kind of threat to life, health and property of tourists (tourists) when making travel.

Life, health, personal integrity tourist (tripper), including physical (bodily) and mental (moral) status, as well as privacy are also the responsibility of the hospitality manager.

Tourist property (tripper), including items of tourist equipment and tools, luggage, personal items and other items that are used and (or) purchased a tourist (such a tourist) while traveling must be protected.

Geographical and natural features of the place of stay of tourists (sea, mountain and desert terrain, climate, availability of specific animals and insects, etc.) must be well known to the manager.

Cultural, social environment of temporary stay, especially local food, language, cultural, religious and ethnic traditions, etc. sometimes become threat. Therefore, manager must be aware of the local traditions.

The manager must comply with the tourists (excursionists) rules of personal safety, including laws, rules and traditions (cultural, religious, etc.) sanitary and epidemiological rules.

The manager make sure the Installation of protective devices and guards when using mobile machinery (lifts, cable cars), passing dangerous areas nearby (mountains, near ponds, slopes, etc.).

Timely informing tourists about the actual and forecasted weather conditions on the route (including climatic conditions, altitude, etc.) (Scott & Lemieux 2010, pp. 146-183).

Taking into account the psycho-physiological characteristics of tourists during the formation of the tourist group.

Food Contamination

One of the major factors affecting the quality and duration of life is the nature of power and safety of edible products. Food can be considered as a source of potentially hazardous compounds. Harmful substances in food rarely found in large concentrations, the effect of which will be immediately noticed, and the products will be replaced (AbuKhalifeh et al 2013, p. 39). Typically, the content is at a relatively small level, on which they do not possess an acute toxicity, but ...
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