Humans are a beautiful creation, and must maintain their aesthetic factor by a variety of brand and product offerings. In the current scenario, men and women are both getting more conscious in aspects of their beauty. These aspects are mainly the hair and skin care products, but the growth of the hair product markets is a sufficient evidence for its significance. The hair care market is full of brands and products variety, and the consumers have to respond accordingly to them. Their responses vary according to the products and brand offerings. The consumers also have selection criteria for choosing a certain brand. The study indicates some of the factors behind the purchases and choices among these offerings.
The study will cater two domains of the hair care industry. The first one is the consumer responses towards the choices among various hair care products and brand offerings, specifically shampoo. Secondly, it will present the consumer selection and browsing criteria of the brands.
Research Question
How people respond to so much choice among the different hair products?
Research Rationale
The hair care industry is growing rapidly, resulting in excessive competition and increasing number of brands. In the current scenario, consumers have more options to choose the hair products due to a broad range of brands. There are certain reason on the basis of which a consumer makes a purchase. The focus of the research was to find out the factors behind these consumer buying patterns.
Research Theme
The hair care industry witnessed an expansion of around 3% in 2010. This supported the industry in generating high revenues. As per the market research conducted by various researchers, it is estimated to expand rapidly by the year 2015 with high volumes. In the health care industry, cosmeceuticals have gained significance and is added as a new element. This concept describes the cosmetic products (Anonymous, 2010, pp. n.d). Advancements and emergence in technologies is further contributing in the hair care industry with additional and beneficial ingredients. The changing lifestyles and increase in the income levels are driving the demand for many cosmetic products, in which hair care products also hold a huge market share (Wurdinger, 1996, pp. 56). Hairstyles are said to be the first reflection of a person, and people find themselves conscious in this domain. For this purpose, they maintain their hairs by using a variety of hair care products.
Hair care is an essential element for the aspects of hygiene and presentation. The hair types on a human head vary, creating more demand for products specifically designed for those hair types. Hairs are an appearance of a human personality. Consumer trials for hair and scalp care products include shampoos, hair colors, hair styling products, conditioners, oils, and a range of other products. Among this range of hair care products, shampoo is among the leading segment of the hair care industry (Anonymous, 2004, pp. n.d). There is excessive competition among the hair care brands in the market. In the current scenario, the hair care industry ...