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This study highlights various important aspects of the political system and ideologies in United States. This study also compares and contrast different political ideologies in the American system and concepts associated with it. This study is divided into three parts. First part identifies political ideologies and discusses four main ideologies, and provides comparison and contrast of these different systems such as, Liberalism, Conservatism, Populism and Libertarianism. Second part of this study deals with the comparison and contrast of different agendas, issues, solution and position of these political parties. Third part deals with defining the political values and American political values with examples of these political values in two political platforms.


Part 1

Political Ideology and Comparison and Contrast of Liberalism,

Populism, Conservatism and Libertarianism

There are a number of important perspectives associated with the political construction and choice of people. These are different ideologies of people based on their personal experiences and various other factors. There are different ideologies like liberalism, populism, conservatism and libertarianism. These ideologies define civil right of people under a particular political system. These systems are very different from each other and follow better system for the progress of nation. These political systems also define different constituents of politics in different political system.

In United States, there are different political ideologies followed under different political system. It is mainly based on the social and cultural perspectives and it is also associated with the thoughts and perception of people. One of the most common political ideologies is liberalism. Under the democratic political system there is freedom for the people to make their right choices. This ideology is based on the progress and freedom for the people ( As compare to the old Conservative political ideology in which there is power and authority is only in the hands of representative of the State, this ideology also provide a chance make their choices and participate in this system.

All over the world, this ideology is considered most important and therefore, it results in more implementations of these ideologies. This ideology is very important as citizens have the authority and their free rights of choice. The freedom and liberty of people depends on their hard work and right choices made by most of the people.

As compare to this liberal ideology, conservatism is associated with the social and political empowerment of government. Major changes in the conservatism occurred after great depression, which affected beliefs and ideologies of people. It is based on the concept of independence and government does not interfere with the private matters of the people. There was also political and social system in order to support tax system and capitalism. It is based on the system of State government. The difference between conservatism and liberalism can be understood with the example that in conservatism, abortion, homosexual practices and same sex marriages were not allowed. These practices are considered as immoral and inappropriate. As compare to this, liberalism allows every individual at liberty to decide for their ...
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