When U.S. diplomacy seeks outside help to strengthen cyber security, it is with high barriers. The political aspect of cyber security becomes a problem. While the U.S. State Department has always looked on the agenda and issues such as online censorship, surveillance and human rights on the Internet, it is with repressive regimes and fundamental issues such as freedom of speech and religion that are also affected and a number of obstacles have become difficult to overcome. This was recognized by Howard Schmidt, cybersecurity coordinator in the White House. In a speech at the annual conference on security and risk management at Gartner, Schmidt said, seeking perfection in this matter can avoid reaching a good solution. Schmidt admits here of the fact that, "topics that we believe on absolutely and, instead, other countries say better not to go so fast. And it comes to such issues that affect all the societies". Thus issues such as freedom of expression or religion were addressed, as matters that create large differences between one country and another. Practically, Schmidt was in favor of focusing on issues where there may be agreement and without any waste of energy on others in which it is clear that the deal cannot be closed. Schmidt also said that the government also worked hard to improve relations with Russia, looking to have a level of transparency and mutual trust that reduces the risk of potentially disastrous cyber-attacks. "We do not encourage short term cyber cold war" he says. "If they do not talk with us, there are always more opportunities arising of worst threats". In the list of top threats to consider, the member of the White House highlights a possible major attack on key installations such as power grids, water systems or telecommunications networks. In fact, authorities were of the view that networks could play in an escalation of attacks and counter-attacks which is similar to conventional cold war.
U.S. strategy emphasizes, firstly, improving its defenses against cyber attacks. The Department of Defense (DoD) seeks to develop a defense system that will dynamically, by improving its "cyber hygiene" following the best practices in cyber security and improved gobale, increase its ability to prevent, detect, communication and management of intrusion attempts without its military systems and networks. The strategy also emphasizes the need for the DoD to work closely with other U.S. government agencies, but also with the private sector for cyber security is a challenge for all sectors of the U.S. economy and that goes beyond government (Preston, 2007). The fourth strategic initiative of the document returns to the effort that must be done in terms of international cooperation, notably through exchanges of information with its allies to strengthen their deterrent capability collective. Finally, the strategy focuses on human resources and innovation. The DoD door catalyst American scientific resources in new technologies and innovation as necessary to ensure national ...