Globalized Higher Education In Saudi Arabia

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Globalized Higher Education in Saudi Arabia

Globalized Higher Education in Saudi Arabia


The educational institutions all over the globe are being highly transformed by the adoption of new educational strategies, learning practices, programs, regulations and other associated elements. In the current scenario, the global dynamic are rapidly changing and it is essential for organizations from any domain, and in any country to cope up with the dynamics. Considering the factor of global diversity, the educational institutions are moving towards diverse strategies to cater students from all over the globe. The term globalization represents the integration of the international system, cultures, and practices adopted all around the world. The global demographics are changing and the global education market is expanding (Schofer & Meyer, 2005). This has not only increased the scope of the educational institutions, but has also added up to the competitive factor of these institutions. The paper reflects the concept of globalized higher education, and its effects on students from different global regions. The key highlights are on the discussion of this topic, in contrast to the Saudi students. Furthermore, the paper presents the benefits the educational migration has provided to countries all around the world.

Globalized Higher Education

The concept of globalization is a theme that is increasing as a debate among the policy makers, educational scholars, and other professionals. Various elements involved make the globalized higher education a concerned topic of discussion. As a multifaceted process, globalized higher education involves various challenges due to its association with the economic, political and social factors. The academic community is expanding and can no longer play with a monopoly, as there are many education providers in this domain. The emergence of globalized or cross border education facilitates the educational institutions to bring the education within the market realm. Students in the current scenario are in a high provision to seek quality education, and develop a potential academia (Altbach et. al, 2009). The educational methodologies are also dynamically changing with the involvement of technology. Virtual universities and other technological mediums have also reduced the gap to attain education. Moreover, there is more involvement of the private sector in education in order to increase the equity of the institutions.

Effects of Growing Educational Migration

The educational migration has drastically increased over the last few years, as the climate of academia is turning out to be more dynamic. There are many countries in this world, which are low with their respective literacy rates, and lack in holding potential educational institutions. The educational migration has assisted the students from all around the globe to attain quality education. Countries like United States of America and United Kingdom have the prestige to hold the top educational institutions, which attracts numerous global students. The growing educational migration is a positive aspect for this domain as it has become easier to share the cultural diversities, and integrate people from all over the globe. One of the best features of educational migration is the trade of skilled students. These students later on are hired as professionals ...
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