Global Warming

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Global Warming


The objective of this paper is to create awareness of the process and dreadful consequences of the global warming in the planet-earth. Global warming has always been there but it became an issue when human intervention disturbed the normal cycle of global warming culminating in the rise of average temperature on Earth. After presenting some research work from several scientist, the paper will try to reach a meaningful conclusion.

Global Warming


A natural cycle of warm and cool has always been followed on Earth. Whenever there is change in heat level coming from the sun, a climatic change has occurred. However, what one should be more worried about in past few decades is, human intervention in climate shifts, which has resulted in global warming at a much rapid rate, that can be sustain by environment factors ( Global warming is a phenomenon through which earth average temperature is rising at a much speedy rate, than what can be a counterbalance by the capability of the earth to complete the cycle. Scientist believes that this cycle of climatic change has been there for last 10,000 years. The need for concern rose when scientists evaluated only last one century in which they witnessed highest temperature on the surface of the earth . the following disccussion will present several arguments in support of the thesis statement.

Thesis Statement

Humanity must be aware of the consequences of their actions to our planet.


It is irony that people consider it a myth while it is factual natural process, which can be, witnessed with our own eyes. The people, who ruled it out as a myth, believe that global warming is the aftermath of natural process, and in the end, it will finish the cycle, and temperature will go back to normal eventually. Many of them have a financial stake in this matter. Many of them are part of the industries that have higher contribution to this dreadful phenomenon.

In reality, the effect of greenhouse is gases in the atmosphere that traps the heat, just the way a car window does in the season of summer. The major and essential gasses, that traps the heat in the atmosphere, are water vapors and CO2. These gases are present in the atmosphere in abundance, CH4-methane, 03-Ozone and the last one N20 (nitrous oxide). These three gases traps the heat in a better way, however, they are present in the atmosphere in small quantity relatively. Gases like PFC's and CFC's are extremely intoxicating; they damage the destroy ozone layer. For last fifty years, the sudden elevation of such gases is the main cause of concern of world scientists for our planet. They have associated this main problem in the back of global warming.

According to scientists, global warming is a complete natural process just like the human aided processes. Sunspot and solar flares are present along with the natural elevation of gases that arise from the greenhouse effect. The gases arise due to activities of volcanoes and are considered a typical cause ...
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