The first article's main points are discussed are related to global warming. The main points discussed are the human contribution towards climatic changes, the signs of global changes, the habitats affected, heat wave, extreme weather and economic and political interference to make positive changes. Other points include floods, reduction carbon emissions, etc (Cowie, 2008).
Global warming can be simply defined as "human-induced climate change”. Global warming takes place because of increase of greenhouse gases in the environment. These gases are abundant due to the contribution of several factors. Global warming is expected to boost the average temperature of the surface of the Earth; change precipitation patterns and raise sea levels. There are many potential impacts of these changes. The Earth could see an increase in extreme weather and will have impacts on humans, animals, and ecosystems (Cowie, 2008).
Endangered Polar Bear
Due to many major problems, polar bears are classified as endangered species according to the Endangered Species Act U.S. In 2006, it was classified as a threatened species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Now, about 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears comprising two-third of the total population can be extinguished by the end of this century. Global warming already has a negative effect on the polar bears. A study conducted in Canada concluded that the ice is melting three times faster than it was melting in the era of 70s. This makes polar bear stay and live on dry land. They are deprived of their refilling of reserves in the ice. The chief cause of their survival depends on their winter hunt. The long season without ice in the Arctic summer, bears spend all their time on land. The delay in frost makes the bears lose their fat reserves. This loss of fat reserve affects their reproduction and the ability of pregnant females to produce enough milk for their babies. Scientists have recorded a 15% drop in the birth rate of polar bears.
Effects on Environment
Global warming heavily impacts the habitat of species in negative way. It has reduced the coverage of Arctic ice. It has eroded the ice in the central polar basin. It has changed the timings of freeze up and breaking up of ice in region. Since ten years and more, global warming is effecting population. Species are forced to shorten their hunting time. They can no longer store enough fat to last till the following winter.
A study conducted in Canada concluded that the ice is melting three times faster than it was melting in the era of 70s. Climate change could exacerbate the problem by releasing mercury trapped or trigger chemical processes that increase their toxicity. Especially concerned that levels of mercury are increasing in large parts of the continent despite the reduction of emissions in regions such as Europe, North America and Russia, reported the Monitoring and Assessment Program Arctic. Emissions increased in other parts of the world, mainly in ...