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Global Warming

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Global Warming


Global warming is a subject that has been much discussed and shared in the last few decades. It has become a serious concern globally. The increase in the temperature of the earth, the extreme climatic conditions, the high emissions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; has all been the alarming bells for global warming. In recent years there have been many forums designed to discuss and share knowledge on global warming and help people learn ways to control it.

Global warming is generally used to define the rise in the atmospheric temperature of the oceans and the earth. The global warming has said to have started from the 19th century and have shown regular increasing trends. It is happening because of all the human activities that require burning fossil fuels and cutting forests.

Man has himself created the problem of global warming. This global warming causes the glaciers and ice-caps to melt have raised the level of seas which causes floods, avalanches and other storms and heavy rain falls.

All over the world government needs to focus on this issue. Unfortunately, it has been difficult thus far to draw a consensus on how to control the global warming and help the under developed countries to adjust and adapt to this climatic change.

Global Warming


The term Global Warming is used to define the average rising temperature of the atmosphere of the Earth and Ocean. This is happening ever since 19th century. From the start of 20th century, the average temperature of the earth's surface has increased about 1.4 °F (0.8 °C). Since 1980's almost two thirds of the rise has occurred in the temperature. It is obvious that the climate system is heating up. Scientist is almost sure that the majority of this is happening as increase absorption of greenhouse gases created by our activities like burning fossil fuels and cutting of forests. All the industrialized countries accept and recognized these findings.

A rise in temperature globally is causing the sea levels to increase and will affect the precipitation patterns and the amount and can increase the subtropical deserts. Arctic is expected to face the strongest warming, and this would be linked with continues melt down of glaciers, sea ice and permafrost. Global warming will have other effects also; this may include continues happening of severe weather situation. This includes droughts, heavy rain falls and heat waves and the extinction of various species as there is a shift in temperature systems and the changes that are occurring in crops growth. Around the globe, the changes related to warming and its intensity will vary from area to area. This might be more in some areas than others. The ecosystem, which is the basis of the livelihood of humans, cannot be preserved due to this imbalance in the temperatures around the world.


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