Global Warming

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Global Warming


Global warming is referred to a situation which experiences an average increase in the temperature of the atmosphere close to the earth's surface. This rise in temperature contributes to the changes in global climate patterns. Global warming is caused by both human natural induced causes that lead to global warming. Global warming gives rise to the change in the temperature, this change in temperature not only means a slight warmer weather, but it causes climate changes in the atmosphere which if left unchecked could cause pervasive natural disasters in the world. The core issue in today's world is that global warming is increasing day by day and affecting the environment in several ways. But, the ethical values of people are not contributing towards the reduction of the causes that lead to global warming (Farrar, pp. 58). It is very important to maintain ethics and reduce the causes of global warming to protect the environment form any pervasive disasters.


Causes of Global Warming

It is obvious that global warming is the increasing issue in today's world but there is many people who do not pay attention to the causes of global warming which become a cause for increasing global warming. There are many reasons which give rise to global warming; some are caused by humans while others are naturally induced. In today's world, human induced causes of global warming have increased. It has been researched that a common cause of global warming is the emission several greenhouse gases. It has been observed that humans emit these type of gases in a variety of ways.

The most significant sources of the emission of these gases are production of electricity and various operations in factories. These gases are also emitted from the combustion of fossil fuels in cars. Another most significant cause of global warming which gives rise to most of the warming in the environment is carbon dioxide gas (Weart, pp. 68). Other prominent contributors of warming the environment are the methane gas which is emitted during agriculture activities and landfills, nitrous oxides emitted from fertilizers, gases used for industrial processes and refrigeration and the loss of forests which would give rise to the storage of carbon dioxide gas. These are the most prominent causes that lead to global warming and it is very important to reduce and prevent these causes to save the environment form natural disasters.

Effects of Global Warming

Global warming has various effects on the climate and other living beings on earth which are not good signs for the world. The most significant causes of global warming include the melting of ice floes, increase in the frequency of heat waves, reduction in the surface area of glaciers, increase in average ocean levels, loss of mass of polar ice sheets, migrations of animal species and changes in vegetation and loss of forest. The increased frequency of heat waves melts glaciers and increases ocean levels which become a prominent reason of storms and floods. Loss of forests causes the storage of carbon dioxide which ...
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