Global Warming

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Global warming has to end before it ends us

Global warming has to end before it ends us


Global warming is increasing the temperature of the Earth through the use of fossil fuels (oil, natural gas and methane) and other toxic products that form a gaseous layer in the atmosphere prevents heat from the sun's rays go , thus creating what is known as the greenhouse effect. Contrary to what one might think, this effect is a useful and natural phenomenon caused by the Earth itself and without it our planet would become a frozen rock with a temperature around 20 degrees Celsius. Through the years, humans have increased the natural greenhouse effect due to increased emission of gases like carbon dioxide (CO2), derived from fossil fuels and deforestation, the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) emitted by air conditioners and aerosols, methane (CH4) produced by farming and mining, nitrous oxide (N2O), emitted by burning fossil fuels and deforestation, and ozone (O3) issued by photochemical and cars. Gaseous cause the solar energy trapped in the atmosphere and only just a slight change in temperature, to break the delicate balance of nature. Many of these gases have opened a hole in the ozone layer, which is the mechanism that has the Earth's atmosphere to filter UV rays from the sun. This hole has increased 4 times in size since 1980. In addition to this, the hole has allowed sunlight and ultraviolet emissions come directly, increase global warming and making living things come to causing, in some cases, mutations and in humans, skin cancer. This situation is very serious, because as the planet warms, ice caps melt. Its melting reduces the amount of heat that can be rejected and therefore the Earth is getting hotter (Sheldon, 1998, 27).

Measures to reduce global warming

Reducing pollution from vehicles using exhaust catalysts;

Maximum use of natural lighting within the domestic environment;

Using low energy lighting;

Reduce the use of fossil fuels (oil, diesel, kerosene, naphtha) and increased use of bio-fuels (bio-diesel, ethanol)

Installation of emission control of harmful gases in industry.

Expand power generation through clean, renewable sources: hydro, wind, solar, nuclear and tidal;

Engage with the selective waste collection and recycling;

Not practicing deforestation and burning. By planting more trees, helps reduce global warming.

Using clean technology and advanced agriculture to avoid carbon emissions.

Construction of buildings with the implementation of systems that seek to save energy (solar energy use for water heating and cooling).

Consequences of global warming

The consequences are not geographically uniform. It is estimated that the hydrological cycle is altered by the increased evaporation of water, causing an increase in rainfall around the globe, affecting the stability of tropical forests and biodiversity due to its high degree of vulnerability to changes in the balance environment. Another bio-system that would be severely affected coral reefs, which contain a genetic diversity that includes a third of all fish species known. Most of these species are on average water temperatures approach the maximum tolerable without introducing changes in their ...
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