Global Warming

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Global Warming

Global Warming


Climate change is neither new neither unusual. Throughout history of soil, mean surface temperature, climate and greenhouse gas concentrations have changed, occasionally step-by-step other times rather sharply. During past 10,000 years earth has been in an interglacial time span with the fairly steady weather, exterior temperature, and greenhouse gas concentration1. The difficulty that has arisen in recent times is when scientists investigate past 150 years, especially last 50. Scientists have discovered an increased greenhouse gas engrossment, making 20th years hottest in last 10,000 years.

Thesis Statement

Does international heating really exist?


The greenhouse effect is essentially gasses in atmosphere trapping heat, rather like the car window does in summer. The major heat trapping gasses found in atmosphere are; CO2 and water vapor- which are found in large quantity, 03(ozone), ch4(methane), and N2O(nitrous oxide)-which are better heat trappers but found in smaller quantity, CFC's and PFC's- which are very potent and destroy ozone. The rapid elevation of these gasses in past fifty years has been cause for concern of scientists calling it the global warming problem.

Global heating is the natural process as well as the human aided process. Solar flares and sunspots along with natural elevation of greenhouse gasses due to volcanic activity are natural causes for global warming. Dr. Judy thin, the premier astrophysicist, looked at international heating trends from 1860 to present day. Her research has found from 1860 to 1970, global warming was largely due to natural sources (Follett, 2008: pp 74-156).

The increase in greenhouse gasses from human causes arrives from the kind of things. Elevated Co2 levels, which have been expanding at the rate of 0.5% per year, mostly arrive from flaming of fossil fuels (70-75%), particularly coal. Deforestation and vegetation flaming account for remainder. Increased Methane and Nitrous oxide in air are mostly due to agriculture; rice patties, cattle, termites and decomposition of dead tissue. The improper flaming of natural gas, natural gas leaks from oil and gas output and pipelines also assist to these increased levels. CFC's and PFC's are the solely human supplement to atmosphere. Air conditioners, refrigeration, and artificial foam output account for these elevations.

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