Global Warming

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Global warming

I. Background

Global warming is the theoretical increase in the average measured temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century, and its projected continuation. There is much debate as to whether of not global warming does, infact, exist and much evidence that disproves it. Many claim that global warming is obvious and that all arguments against global warming are false. The problem is that what is obvious often isn't true. Concern over “global warming” is overblown and misdirected (Solanki, 1084-1087).

II. Opposition

People say climate is getting hotter than past. That's just called Global warming. We have to know that what is global warming, why global warming is dangerous, and who has responsibility of global warming, finally how to deal with global warming. Global warming is the gradual rise in temperature of the air and water near the earth's surface. The average temperature of the earth has risen about 1 degree Celsius over the past 100 years (Walter, 71-75). Even though many people believe they know why this is happening, the exact cause is unknown.

It could be caused by human activity; it may be caused by natural events, and probably is caused by a combination of the two. Some believe greenhouse gases caused by human activity are the main reason for global warming (Lamborg, 12-15). Others believe changes in the earth's temperature or increases in solar activity are to blame. Still others think recirculating, or feedback effects are the main cause (Solanki, 32-34). Whatever the cause, what makes us the most concerned is the effect it has on our environment.

Rising temperatures mean melting ice and higher sea levels. Increasing heat could also help cause extreme weather like hurricanes, or make difficult living conditions for many species of animals. Warmer temperatures help the agricultural industry by making growing seasons longer.

Point 1

First of all, the climate of the earth changes because of the planet. The change in the earth's orbit, frequency of volcanic eruptions, and concentrations of greenhouse gases are all examples that could change the earth's average climate. Changes in the earth's orbit or increased volcanic activity are natural occurrences (Solanki, 1084-1087). Increases in concentrations of greenhouse gases can be due to both natural and human causes. Although there is no general consensus among scientists about exactly what causes global warming, most agree that greenhouse gases are one of the most significant contributors.

Point 2

The greenhouse effect is defined as the process by which absorption and release of infrared radiation by atmospheric gases warms a planet's atmosphere and surface(Ruddiman, 18-24). It was discovered by Joseph Fourier in 1824 and studied in further depth by Svante Arrhenius in 1896 (Walter, 71-75). The greenhouse effect is necessary for human survival. Natural gases from the earth have a warming effect, without which the earth would be uninhabitable (Solanki, 1084-1087).

However, it is the strength of this effect that concerns scientists. The main greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, and nitrous oxide. There is evidence that atmospheric concentrations ...
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