Genetically Modified Microorganisms

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Genetically Modified Microorganisms

Genetically Modified Microorganisms


The genetic modifications involve the genetic material transfer through the implication of contemporary biotechnology or genetic DNA recombinant technology for genes transfer to attain in structural or organism modifications. These micro organisms modified genes are transfer from donor to the host for the genetic modifications with genetic makeup and biological behavior outcomes (“Recombination”, 2013).


DNA Recombinant Technology

There are numerous technologies that are used for the micro organism's genetic modification to obtain various beneficial artificial strains. The DNA recombinant technology involves the vector to insert DNA fragment in to plasmid. The DNA fragment gene is isolated and extracted from micro organism and results in recombinant DNA vector due to ligation to the vector. The vector serves as a cloning vehicle. Theses cloning vehicles include viruses and bacteria plasmids. The recombinant vector introduces the DNA fragment in to host bacterial cell or other organisms. The host cell replication also multiplies the DNA recombinant gene. This represents the DNA recombinant technology (RDT) process (Srivastava. A. 2013).

The DNA recombinant technology involves the (Res) restriction endonucleases enzymes i.e. type I, II, and III, to protect bacteria from viral invasion. These enzymes identify the gene sequence and cleave with them to modify their action. The vectors used in DNA recombinant technology include plasmids (Puc18), bacteriophages, cosmids and BACs, YACs, M13 phage vectors, bacterial artificial chromosomes etc. There are four yeast plasmid categories including yeast centrometric plasmids (Ycps), yeast integrative plasmids (Yips), yeast episomal plasmids (YEps) and yeast replicative plasmids (YRps) and yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) (Dhillon S, Chhabra A.K., & Kharb P, 2008).

Theses vectors consequent from plasmids and bacteriophages. The plasmid is manipulated by the vectors and are either mobilisable or self transmissible that spread through conjugation.

DNA Recombinant Technology-Execution and Achievements

The DNA Technology execution to attain modification in the genetic patterns through alterations in the amino acid sequences to attain specific function involves:

The agricultural uses to achieve improvement in the genetically modified pest resistant crops, fruits with large size, genetically modified crops. This alcohol potential is used as a additive to gasoline to decrease the petroleum dependency.

The pharmacologic modifications in the drug structure through change in the amine acid changes in protein sequences to produce artificial insulin and deliver drug to target sites and in molecular cloning.

The pharmaceutical modifications alteration in the medicine molecule structure in gene, antiviral, synthesizes clotting and vaccination therapies.

The technology will also provide opportunity to the genetic systems handling through the complicated, continuous and long genomic fraction in to smaller fractions placed in a single cell to do functional studies on single genetic expression. This single transformed cell isolation in the genomic culture will lead to colonies development. This help in the separation of gene fragment from natural atmosphere to retain product special concentration. This ultimately develops successful genetic combinations to benefit humans.

The technology is also applied in the execution of basic metals degradation through the metabolize process in the microorganisms and this metal metabolization exceeds far the chemical and physical extraction method applied ...
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