Generic Service Model

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Generic Service Model

Generic Service Model


Our era has been assessed by a move in the way of considering and portraying over numerous domains for example business, research and community. The foundation in this new way of considering is the idea of service. In general a service may be believed as an activity that is suggested by a famous person and may be utilised by any individual else. Though, generally this activity is presented upon an asset this is not mandatory. However, when it's directed on an asset this asset could be a substantial object for demonstration a hard computer disk or a permit, or an intangible object for example a phrase document. This move has a result on schemes and the way they are developed. Service Oriented Development (SOD), which has appeared with the advent of services, is considered as the future tendency in scheme development; its aim is on the use of services as system's constituent parts. It appeared as an evolution to the component-based development and circulated object oriented computing and amidst its goals is to encourage the loose coupling of the system's components in a far better way than constituent and object oriented technologies. (Drucker, 2006, 50)

Nonetheless, the diversity of obligations arising from the business, research and community domains has granted increase to diverse service oriented technologies. Each of these technologies locations exact desires of its associated domain. Hence, world broad web services support mostly business oriented schemes, grid services support technical oriented schemes and p2p services support community oriented schemes (e.g. Instant Messaging). Despite that all service oriented technologies (e.g. world broad web, grid and p2p services) obey with the identical paradigm, they adhere to distinct models, and they have distinct characteristics and distinct properties. Moreover, their heterogeneity generates over other facets for example architecture, supported protocols and measures, infrastructure, semantics and value of service (QoS). W3C has endeavored to mitigate the difficulty by setting up a service model [w3c 2004] as asserted by which a set of functions and procedures should be provided. (Drucker, 2006, 50)

The set of functions comprises of the service provider, service requestor and service broker while the set of procedures comprises of release, find out and invoke. However, all these notions have either been extended1 (e.g. grid services) or partially ignored2 (e.g. p2p services) by the service technologies in addition to world broad web services. This diversity makes the integration of distinct services a strenuous task. In alignment to eliminate this problem from a scheme developer a generic service model integrating befitting characteristics and properties of all service oriented technologies desires to be provided. This model will help the specification of any kind of service and the mapping and/or association of service characteristics of one technology to the other. This deliverable wills trial to identify a generic service model which will accommodate characteristics and properties of all service technologies addressed by the SODIUM project. In managing so, 1 E.g. Grid services have annotated the w3c model with the introduction ...
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