Generic Strategies Model

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Generic Strategies Model

[Name of the Institute]Generic Strategies Model

Three Retail Stores

Identifying Three (3) Retail Firms


Australian Roast Chicken


Describing Three (3) Retail Firms


Zara uses differentiation strategy, whereas the Australian Roast chicken uses low-cost producer, however Walmart focuses on niche supplier market strategy.

The level of competition faced by Zara is high. The closest competitors of Zara include H&M and Gap. The sale of Zara is strong enough to outnumber its competitors. Zara operates an efficient supply chain network not only in Europe but also in other regions.

The threat to substitutes is low for Zara. The products of Zara are differentiated. Therefore, they cannot be replaced easily. The exact and complete replacement of these products is not possible.

However, in order stay competitive, Zara needs to continue its image. First of all, the products of Zara are exclusive and unique. Therefore, customers do not mind paying moderate to high prices for the products of Zara. In addition, the lead time of Zara's products is also low. It has also reduced the bargaining power of Zara. The bargaining power of Zara's suppliers is also low. It is because a number of supplier options are available to Zara. It is the approach that targets contests for all the challengers because they will not find it easy to imitate or equal Zara's positioning and it is this achievement that has given Zara sustainable competitive differentiation and positioning. Another success factor is Zara is its fast delivery. The strategy of Zara that has provided it with a competitive edge is the availability of limited collection and new design. The company prefers to update its products after every three week. The strategy of Zara that has provided it with a competitive edge is the availability of limited collection and new design.

Australian Roast Chicken

Australian Roast Chicken has the advantage of offering lower price products in the market, as there is not much competition. In order to continue this image, the company must be aware of GST, Duties, and Tariffs before starting operations in a foreign economy. The sale of Australian roast chicken is strong enough to out number its competitors. All organizations are in search for competitive advantage so as to attain an upper hand in the market. Competitive advantage or CA is the force that grasps their organization above the rest in the industry. The main idea that generates here is to give the company an additional power so as to gain a competitive advantage in the market for a longer period of time. Australian roast chicken also tells other customers about it and through the word of mouth strategy the company gains competitive advantage. Australian roast chicken strategy of cutting price is also one of the main competitive advantages.


The fundamental principles and rules that distinguish Wal-Mart from its competitors are present in “The Wal-Mart Culture” (2004). These principles explain why Wal-Mart has achieved global success. The international expansion was not an easy process for the company.

Wal-Mart has a substantial price advantage over competitors with the effect being that ...
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