Generic Service Model

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Generic Service Model

Generic Service Model


The telecommunication sector has mostly been propelled by the deregulation and liberalization of PTT monopolies inside the last decade. The emerging universal service market reveals all players to powerful affray and forces providers to believe in periods of services, value of service (QoS) parameters and service agreements when conversing to their customers other than considering parameters of network devices or end systems. Increasingly, new obligations for example business process outsourcing and e-commerce continue the variety of services from (classical) communication and internet services to complex submission and worth supplemented services. (Stacey, 2003, pp. 70)

Due to the expanding complexity of those services, they are normally not applied by a lone provider. Instead, they are created of interdependent and layered services of distinct carriers, Internet Service Providers (ISP), Application Service Providers (ASP) and Business Process Outsourcers (BPO). Generally talking, all these organisations use periods for example service, QoS parameters and service agreements, but need a consistent and common understanding of what these periods mean. This evolution has grave significances on the management of these IT and telecommunication environments: Despite the considerable work that has been conveyed out in the locality of service management, a common and general acknowledged comprehending of periods and jobs affiliated with service management has not been come to yet. One foremost cause is that most advances aim on exact scenarios and management environments and therefore, use a different terminology regarding service management. (Senge, 2005, pp. 90)

In our attitude, the development of generic service management answers is not likely until a common terminology is defined. Moreover, complex service hierarchies cross-sect all engaged organizations, span multiple organizational, administrative and jurisdictional boundaries and lead to inter- and intra-organizational dependencies. These dependencies concern to all assets, systems, devices, submissions, persons, workflows and processes that are essential to function, administer, organise and provision services in heterogeneous environments and therefore have a large leverage on the management processes of all engaged organizations. It is one foremost task of service management to recognise and to model these dependencies, for demonstration utilising functions, interactions and communication relationships. In alignment to address some of the difficulties affiliated with service management; this paper suggests a generic service model that characterises commonly required service-related periods, notions and structuring directions in a general and unambiguous way. (Stacey, 2003, pp. 70)


This generic service model can be directed to all types of scenarios and assists to investigate, recognise and structure the essential actors and the corresponding inter- and intra-organizational associations between these actors. Since it furthermore wrappings the whole service life cycle, it assists to set up, enforce and optimize data flows between organizations or business units. To abstract from all service and organizational minutia, the generic service models the outcome of a top-down oriented and systematic methodology. This methodology double-checks, that purposeful, organizational and life cycle facets essential for service management are considered. Finally, the generic service model can be utilised to identify and structure study ...
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