General Systems

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General Systems



General Systems1

Generic description of Real System2

Problem Statement 13

Problem Statement 23

Rationale for the Application of System Dynamics Method3

Key Aspects of System Dynamics Modeling4

Critical Thinking4

Analyzing the Scenario and Problems Identified5

Practical Application of Models5

Analytical Model5

Simulation Model6



General Systems


This assignment provides a brief introduction of what the general systems scenarios are, what are the problems that are faced by the real systems and the use of systems dynamics methods to resolve these problems in the system. These problems are resolved through the use of simulation and the analytical method. The application of these models on specific problems is done to determine the level of success that the system will have in resolving these problems.


General Systems

While working with the communities on various issues that involve social change, the development of a proper framework can create difference in the perception, analysis and the action in a complex situation. The theory for general systems is one of these frameworks. It is defined as the elements that are bounded or in exchange. These elements make up a system that operates or functions in an environment or field. The exchanges are the relationships between the elements whereas the boundary refers to what can be seen, heard, felt or sensed which separates the system from its environment. The boundaries can either be impermeable or permeable which highlights the difference between the closed or open system. Many of the system have the quality of both closed and open due to which it is important to observe the extent of closeness and openness. Through this specification of levels, super, supra-system and sub-systems can be established. Most of the systems are goal oriented and their interaction with the environment is always on the basis direction, purpose, design or goal.

The open systems have inputs in terms of matter or energy which enters in the form of boundaries. The management of human systems can occur at both group and individual levels. It needs identification and monitoring of the decision making processes. The study of the interaction between the system and decision and the effect on the environmental influence is very important. The systems can be absent, decentered or centered in terms of decision making. The concept and ideas of the general system are very important in terms of understanding the human beings, their communities, communications and their environment (Gregory n.d., p. 01).

Generic description of Real System

The real system that I have selected for this assignment is that of a business in which the general system is the state and how it is resolving various issues regarding their working. The problem statements are as:

Problem Statement 1

The first problem that the state government is facing is regarding the employee self- service. The background of this problem is that that state government holds information related to the employees on various issues. For obtaining the information, the employees need to request it from the central source or agency. The information is provided manually in various mediums which are in accordance with the Federal and State ...
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