Systems engineering (including system design or system design engineering) is an interdisciplinary approach to develop complex technical systems in large projects and to realize. Systems engineering is necessary because, especially in large complex projects issues such as logistics and coordination are difficult to handle and lead to massive problems in the implementation of the project.
The first significant use of "Systems Engineering" took place in 1940 in the Bell Laboratories in telephony. The various parts of the telecommunications system and have had to interact very well what was possible only through a comprehensive understanding of the system and the exact specification of the requirements. Was more "Systems Engineering" after the 2nd World War in the American space program inter alia used in the Apollo program and the development of the Space Shuttle. Here, the systems engineering approach was developed steadily through NASA. In the European space has been used intensively for the failures at the Euro-missiles. One of the failures occurred because the different stages were developed without a common coordination and these were therefore not aligned. Therefore, it was used by the French in the development of the Ariane rocket systems engineering-intensive, which eventually led to a great success of the rocket. Since then, it is to be used in the aerospace industry standard, systems engineering engineers. In general, systems engineering is used in almost all companies in different depths, holding that there was sometimes only other names. The extreme cost of verification, which drives the cost of space programs in the air, is implemented in commercial companies only reduced. (Biddle, 2004)
The focus of the Systems Engineering is the one that let the customer desired features early into the development cycle and, second, design synthesis and system validation carried out. Objective is to provide the entire problem (operation, cost, schedule, performance, training and support, testing, production and recycling) are considered. Systems engineering integrates all the engineering disciplines and capabilities into a single, team-oriented structured process. This process is applied from conception to production to operation and in some cases to reduce these recycling. Systems Engineering is responsible for all those to integrate functions that are performed by specialists external to the company because it does not seem necessary to employ such specialists in full. (Dean, 2005)
In practice, often the customer needs, pricing and timing are difficult to comply. One task is therefore to determine the limits for cost, schedule and manufacturability. Systems engineering is based on a system that is more than the sum of its parts or subsystems and should be considered for this reason the overall context. Therefore Systems Engineering is traditionally the job of chief engineer (in space, the system engineer), who is responsible for coordinating all technical functions of this large complex projects, the project manager focuses on the non-technical tasks such as cost, contract management, etc. For smaller projects the tasks of the project manager and chief engineer united in one ...