The females have a huge challenge to prove them worthy and capable of doing male-oriented jobs. There are a few traits which are a competitive edge with the female police officers. With time, the female police officers have made themselves accepted and recognized as a society in a positive image. Male officers are more receptive towards women becoming the team members than female officers. The perception of female officers is positive about their fellow officer's skills, i.e. the female officers. Women are bound in the traditional perception that they are responsible to take care of their homes and perform domestic responsibilities. They are faced with gender discrimination, sexual harassment and negative stereotyping. The main criticism comes from the male officers as colleagues. Women have the potential to successfully implement the required changes in the management. They are also the mentors and role models for many especially to break the glass ceiling, conventional perceptions. The information of secondary data is incorporated which was initially gathered by the authors for their research paper but which will provide relevancy to the topic. The collection and analysis of secondary data, the information retrieved is incorporated in this research paper according to topic. With the analysis of different researches, it is found that women face a lot of criticism and barriers when they chose to work in police organization. This is because of the police work, police culture and opposition from male officers. The quality of service within the police organization can be improved with more progress given to the female police officers and minority groups for the diversification of communities affecting the policy and strategy. There is a need for the development of professional careers which support and encourage other women to enter the policing career in the future.
Table of Contents
Problem statement3
Purpose of study4
Rationale for the study4
Research aims5
Importance of study5
Literature review6
Gender inequality6
Stress factor9
Recruitment of female police officers10
Motivation for female police officers11
Examples for female police officers12
Positive aspects of female police officers13
Study design15
Ethical considerations15
Implications for practice16
Barriers and Breakthroughs those females encounter as Police Officers
The environment of police organizations are male dominating where women find it difficult to make their place and maintain their positions. Women in law enforcement have to make choices for their actions and even to follow the masculine traits to function their operations in an effective manner. The operations of police organization are perceived and known to be masculine. Females have a huge challenge to prove them worthy and capable of doing male-oriented jobs. There are a few traits which are a competitive edge with the female police officers. Traits like teambuilding and communication makes the female officers bring in new ways to manage things in male dominations along with the acceptance and bringing of diversification and assign a different point of view in police organization.
Problem statement
The problem statement of this research paper is the barriers and breakthroughs females encounter as police officers. The overall area of concern revolves around the domination of male officers in police organization; discrimination and gender inequality ...