Confronting Unjust Authority Case Study: An Ethical Dilemma
Confronting Unjust Authority Case Study: An Ethical Dilemma
The laws and code of conduct of nay society are usually designed to restore the peace and stability in the society. These laws restrict an individual from committing crimes of any nature. However, there will always be certain individuals in the society who might not violate the laws directly. However, various actions conducted by them are unethical. These unethical acts may vary in nature. One of these acts includes the most observed and experienced at workplaces. This particular case discussed reflects the details of such an act.
Fact Pattern and Identify Situation
The pattern of this case highlights the patters of sexual intimidation by a fellow police officer to a female cop. Although, the victims has mentioned that the oppressor, the fellow police officer has not yet shown any extremely blatant gesture. However, the fact that that he compliments the female cop victim with respect to her appearance is a form of attention in a sexual perspective (Ann 2008). Most cases of a sexual assault in fact have known to be initiated with the same patterns of the victims, male or female, receiving extra and unwanted attention by the oppressor. Moreover, several psychic experts in the fields of criminal behavior and psychology have declared this particular form of attention as the beginning of more serious crimes. Therefore, the fact that the male cop maintains his same behavior irrespective of the fact that the female victim cop is not encouraging him to do so is certainly not a casual fact to be ignored (Joycelyn 2013).
Ethical Dilemma and Awkwardness of the Situation
The fact that the oppressor has not yet committed any obviously offensive act limits the case to moral and ethical grounds. The more alarming fact in this particular case is that the oppressor in this case is actually a cop. The basic responsibility and aim served by a cop is to protect the life and property of individuals in the society from threats of all kind and nature. It is the duty of any cop or policeman to use all the available resources and all his effort to help an individual in the society. Therefore, there should be no doubt in saying that a cop or policeman, no matter of what grade, is actually responsible for setting an example to the society of a proper moral and ethical behavior (Ann 2008). Hence, a police officer involved in an activity that is actually troubling another individual in the society is indeed an equinox.
There are various reasons behind declaring the situation as awkward, disturbing and uncomforting. First of all, in any organization or workplace, a professional environment is to be maintained at all times. The behavior, relationships and friendships between two individuals should be strictly platonic. Moreover, work should be the priority of every individual. Hence, a policeman behaving in such manner is not just unethical but it is extremely unprofessional as well. Secondly, complimenting an individual from another sex ...