Families Relationships: Canadian Perspective

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Families Relationships: Canadian Perspective

Families Relationships: Canadian Perspective

Family Relationship from Canadian Perspective

Currently, family and marital relations in Canada, as in many other countries, are undergoing significant changes. Nevertheless, the family remains the most important social institution, which paid much attention. Census of 1996 takes into account not only the family based on marriage, but also the so-called "free" or "civil" Seme (common-law families), implying two heterosexual couples living in consensual unions and the co-management; separately taken into account family single-parent (lone-parents families).

Census data in 1996 indicate that the traditional family continues to lose popularity, and with it, and their position in society. If in 1986 the traditional family units accounted for 80% of all families of Canada, in 1996 - already 74%. Accordingly, all the while steadily increasing the number of families based on civil marriage, and single parents (Conway, 2003). In 1996 one in seven families in Canada was "civil." Statistics notes that these families are more likely had children, and currently about half of them, and consist of three or more people (in this case are treated as common children, and children of one of the partners, if they live together) (Tepperman & Curtis, 2011).

Civil marriages and "civil family" the most widely distributed in Quebec, where the crisis of traditional values, which had begun during the "Quiet Revolution" in the 60 years of 20th century, still continues to have a significant impact on society. Now the share of Quebec was once famous for its patriarchal and very respectful attitude marital ties, accounted for 43% of the "civilian" families in Canada. Accordingly, every four households in Quebec are "civil." In addition to the Quebec civil marriages are widespread in the Atlantic region and the Northern Territory (Ishwaran, 1976).

In 2000 in Canada were more than 1.1 million single parents, which represent 14.5% of families. Their number is growing, and 4 times faster than the number of ordinary married couples. 80% of single parents are women. The census showed that one in five children lives in a country with only one parent who is either divorced or widowed is / widowed or never married (the last number is growing especially fast).

However, the total number of families (all types) in Canada is growing, albeit at a slower pace than in previous decades. Therefore, based on the above data we can conclude that the family remains the most important institution of Canadian society. In families now live 84% of Canadians, and this figure for several decades remained fairly stable. 65% of all Canadian households have unmarried / unmarried children living in his parents' house (in this case the age of the children are not counted.) The greatest number of children, as a rule, there is a "formal" family, although the pair consisting of a civil marriage is increasingly having children. For ten years (1986-1996), the average family size has remained stable and is 3.1 peopling (Payne, 2008).

In each country and in their own zones and customs procedures-are sometimes contrasted individuals-even shocked-to those of other ...
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