Annotated Bibliography: Whether or not Gay Marriage should be Legalized in Texas
Cantor, D. Same-sex marriage: the legal and psychological evolution in America. Wesleyan University Press, 2006. Print.
Cantor highlighted the media and political attention to the issue in the fight for the legal right of same-sex marriages. Striking at the heart of beliefs about sexuality, marriage, family, and child-rearing, the debate has touched off national and international debate. He also presented insight about how people and state reached its contemporary understandings of homosexuality and marriage, and effect of gay marriages on family relationship.
Clifford, D. A Legal Guide for Lesbian and Gay Couples. 15th edition. Nolo Publication, 2010. Print.
Clifford presented a legal solution to gay and lesbian couples for protecting their relationship rights. He argues that lesbian and gay people who are not aware of their rights are at greater risk of personal relationship management crisis. In this guide, Clifford explains practical decisions for gay and lesbian couples. This edition provides states laws introduction on gay marriages, recent changes in the admissible structure of few states, and pros and cons of gay marriages for a society.
Davis provided diverse viewpoints to draw the attention of the reader to diverse social and political issues and urgent decision making need. He also tried to increase awareness of student on issues of state policy and question of same-sex marriages under right protection by the state constitution. He also presented social mores, morality, and the sanctity of gay marriages.
Gerstmann, E. Same-sex marriage and the Constitution. 1st edition. Cambridge University Press, 2004. Print.
Gerstmann adopted a legitimate debate approach to assess whether courts should legalize the gay marriages in Texas State. He also put forwards a question to determine whether the Texas constitution protects the ...