Exercise And Active Aging

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The scientist, Dr. Christian Werner, (Saarland University Clinic in Homburg) has recently identified that there is a common aspect in older runners; they appear less aged in comparison to their peers of the same age. It was a pleasant discovery that the middle aged people who are exercising do not just appear to be young but when their white blood cells were examined by the scientists, the cells were both active and very slothful similar to the size in young adults telomeres. Telomeres are small caps at the end of strands of DNA, the functions of these telomeres was identified in the year 2009, due to which several scientists secured Nobel Prizes in medicine. The age of a cell is totally reliable on telomere; in general terms if the size of telomere is small then the cell will be older and tired (Gretchen R. 2010).When telomeres were measured on middles aged subjects, the situation was quite interesting for researchers. The inactive older had 40% shorter telomeres, as compared to the exercising individuals. A telomere has an anti aging effect, when people are involved in physical activities. Exercising can create a remarkably younger effect on the cells, but these are not the only effects that can be obtained.


Exercising daily promotes a healthy lifestyle, staying inactive and dull reduces the health aging process. A person who does not involve in physical activities is more prone to disease and disability conditions. The Internal Medicine Archives has recently dedicated their complete journal on the importance of regular exercise and eating healthy for securing the sense of well being. Exercising every day is helpful in preventing disease such as osteoarthritis, cardiovascular diseases, hip fracture, respiratory diseases, cancer, osteoporosis, falls, diabetes, obesity and reduction in mental ability. The over symptoms suggest lower health level and there is a greater ratio ...
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