Diversity Management

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Diversity Management

Diversity Management

What is Diversity? Recognizing and valuing diversity involves developing attitudes and behavior recognition other in their difference. It is significant to differentiate among the primary as well as secondary scope of diversity core values person are example of primary diversity: age, sex, physical abilities and psychological, religious beliefs, their culture of origin, their sexual orientation. Secondary dimensions include, among other things, the level of studies, skills and experience, the ability to communicate, the meaning of initiative or the ability to deal with conflict. The actions on the primary dimensions are oriented primarily to raise awareness and seek promote changes in attitude and behavior. To seize these opportunities. Reaping the full benefits of diversity required to promote both types of actions.

Its importance

The social reality, our everyday life, incorporating social and employment of women, the people with disabilities and those of foreign origin, active aging, standardization homosexuality progressive ... have imposed the need to coordinate management measures diversity in organizations. On the other hand, access to full citizenship requires people to exercise their rights (to employment, housing, education, health ...) and can actively contribute to the construction of society and contribute their values, perspectives and capabilities as women, ethnic abroad, minors, elderly. At the same time, it is necessary to continue progress in the fight against discrimination and for equality. 2007 has been declared the European Year of Equal Opportunities but since 2003 the EU is carrying out the campaign "For Diversity. Against Discrimination “with the objective of informing of rights in relation to employment and vocational training According to EU rules and legislation that develops in each country.

Diversity Management

Diversity management in its broader sense promotes and ensures to envisage a positive work environment strategy. Usually initiated by Human Resources specialists and department heads as well as the supervisors, recognition and respect for the individual differences between a groups of employees to ensure an effective diversity management program for the promotion of the managed groups. Its how the entity-company, NPO, institution-established policies, specific or not, obtain the maximum benefit from the diverse composition of the human group that constitutes it. Implies towards the positive actions capitalize on differences in background, knowledge and skills-for example, language-of individuals and groups, as a development too. (Konrad, 2003, p.96)

The management of diversity aims to improve competitiveness and performance of the company by capitalizing on the diversity of people (gender, age, origin, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, physical and mental conditions), functional organization (international operations, business, culture) and interaction style and mode of thought (training, diversified courses). It is one of the few levers to manage to combine financial performance and social ethics.

The concept of diversity has its origins in the United States, where the question arose as primarily ethnic and race. Populations particularly discriminated - Women and ethnic minorities - have made ??by- shooting 60s, the subject of preferential treatment for rebalance their representation in employment quail- feed: Affirmative Action. However, this policy is being challenged in the years 80, and it is "complement" and "cons-project" ...
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