Event Management System

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Event Management System

Event Management System


The basic purpose behind discovery of personal computer was to serve the needs and requirement of a business. The main operational use of the computer by many large companies was faster processing of information in order to perform the functions and operations and that was the critical need of many businesses. Initially the computer systems were put in place in many companies just for the purpose of calculations in relation to salaries and other finances. The main advantage of using the computers was to save time spend in manual calculations and increase efficiency of the process. At the second stage of usage, many companies started using computer systems for the purpose of ordering inventory and items. Such inventory ordering systems required the companies to be on line and in direct contact with the customer for quick processing of orders and answering the queries of customers. With passing time companies became more and more dependent on these computer systems as they save a lot of time and the turnaround time of the entire process was very little when compared with the manual processing and handling of the operations. Many companies also kept the manual processing and forms available on the side in case of emergent situations like when the computer systems fail due to some reason. Increased dependency on such systems made it necessary for many companies to ensure that the computer systems and software worked properly with continuous monitoring and maintenance of the system for proper functioning and processing. The step of evaluating the processing of computer systems manually by an employee was also eliminated with the enhancement of software technology that the facility of providing user with information related to errors. The systems and software's became more complex and specialized increasing dependency of human on computers which finally resulted in complete elimination of manual processing give rise to paperless technology. These systems were designated to separate IT professional and specialized employees who were aware and well educated with the latest technology and innovation in relation to the computer systems. It was critical and important to maintain and manage the systems if any business wanted perform its functions and run the business successfully. The main function of the IT departments was to looks after and maintains the problems and issues arising in the normal functioning of the computer systems of the entire company. In addition to providing solutions to the remaining staff and departments they also helped in determining the source of issues and problems. Automation and enhancement of software also enabled many users of other departments to perform the job on their own and referring to the IT department only in case of major issues and technical faults with the system (Bhe et.al, 2004).


Event Management System

Event management has been defined as the process of coordinating all the important tasks and processes that are important proper execution of the event. Such tasks include designing, planning, implementing and controlling. These tasks are taken care of in relation ...
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