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Fundamentals Of Qualitative Research Template

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Fundamentals of Qualitative Research Template

Fundamentals of Qualitative Research Template


This paper explores three kinds of qualitative research in a holistic context: Case Study, Phenomenological study, and Grounded Theory. The paper addresses the key aspects of each of these research using journal articles. Specifically, the data collection techniques, sampling approach, data treatment and analysis approaches are discussed for each of the articles. The amount of truthfulness, credibility and reliability of each research are also evaluated.

Case Study

A case study is an in-depth qualitative research strategy used for a single instance or event, although comparison of several or multiple cases is not uncommon (Nuttall 2011). Comparing the case study with the experiment in psychology and the survey in sociology reveals three characteristics of qualitative research: research in natural settings, the development of concepts, and a focus on social process. But compared to other qualitative traditions, the design underlying most case studies is quite structured (Denzin 2005).

Research Article

In an article titled Early Requirements for a Marketing Management Support System for Exporters from Less Developed Countries: the Case Study of Ethiopian Coffee, the researchers explore the development of early requirements for a marketing management support system (MMSS). A system developed for exporters with limited marketing knowledge does not exist in the literature (O'Connor 2010). This case study identifies 15 requirements for an MMSS for Ethiopian coffee exporters who want to market their coffee in the United States. This study is useful for business educators who want to explore international business communications with their students and help students realize how important marketing education is for effective international marketing practices.

This case study identifies a set of early requirements for an MMSS for Ethiopian coffee exporters who have limited marketing knowledge but want to market more coffee in the United States (U.S.). Early requirements are concerned with understanding a problem through the organizational setting, including the actors, their relationships with one another, and their goals.


Because of dearth of marketing knowledge and information, exporters in less developed countries (those with a poverty rate greater than 50%) face significant problems in international markets. Marketing management support systems (MMSSs) are computerized support tools used by decision makers to solve marketing problems and gain knowledge. Exporters with limited marketing knowledge do not have MMSSs to help them market their products in other countries (O'Connor 2010).


A qualitative case study approach was used to investigate the research questions. In order to find out the top marketers of Specialty Coffee in the U.S., the Ethiopian Embassy, industry professionals, and top trade periodicals, including Ukers World Directory were consulted. Twenty- two men (88%) and three women (12%) were interviewed. Three criteria were established for selecting participants:

They must be Specialty Coffee distributors or retailers

They must make marketing decisions for their organization about Ethiopian coffee, and

They must sell Ethiopian coffee.

Data were collected from 25 participants regarding their marketing problems, the marketing management process, and the decision-making skills used to solve marketing problems. The data were analyzed and placed into categories ...
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