Event Management

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The Event Management Industry

The Event Management Industry

Assignment 1


Mega events or the significant events can be defined as the event that has a huge amount of the public attending it and took place either on a yearly basis, yearly intervals or on the bi yearly basis. Typically these sorts of event s are annual events and they attract people from all over the globe due to the international factors and the global nature of these events. The mega events are usually also reflects the culture and the life style of the country of origin or the purpose of the event. These events include the culture, commercial and sporting events that are being held in different countries or in different regions of the world sometime according to the season, months or on other basis. These events impact the culture, environment, development, status and the fame of the country or city in which the events has taken place. The tourism and the economy also get affected positively from the occurrence of the mega events.


Positive and Negative Impacts of Olympics

The event that has several positive and negative impacts over the country where it takes place is the world largest sporting event known as the Olympics. Recently, in the year 2012 the event of Olympics took place in the London. There were many positive and negative impacts that the Olympics posed on the London directly and on the U.K indirectly. The Olympics is the event which engages in it the people and participants from all over the world and almost all the countries take part in this sporting event, in some or the other game or the sports. Event the third world countries are able to participate through their talent and games in which they have a strong hold. Due to these reasons the Olympics is able to generate al tremendous amount of the public following the event and its game on hourly and segment basis. The size of the event is very large and so is the duration. The event last for almost twenty to twenty five days at an average. The duration of the event might be less or more in different countries or according to the weather of the country in which it has been organized.

Positive Impacts

The impacts of the mega event are not posed on the country only during the event; in fact, the impacts are also posed before and after the event. The preparations of the Olympics in London for the year 2012 brought many positive impacts which are primarily the pre event positive impacts. The factors that are positively affected are the environmental factors, socio cultural factors and the economic factors. The first positive effect of the U.K is the boost in the economy of the country. This event raised the economy and the GDP of the U.K by almost £ 2 billion which was the biggest boost in the economy from the year 2005 till the year 2012. In the same time frame, the GDP of ...
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