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International Festival And Event Management

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International Festival and Event Management

International Festival and Event Management

International Festival and Event Management


Festivals are an important part of every culture. They have a significant impact on the economic activities and the tourism establishment and enhancement of the country. The success of the festival or event depends on its organization in a coherent manner. Different scholars and authors have defined festivals in a different manner. Falassi (1987, pp.2) defines festivals in a different manner. The festivals are a way of communicating the ideologies, values and identity and the continuity of a community. The modern approach is to name the festivals as events, and thus according to Getz (2005 pp.21), festivals can be defined as “themed, public celebrations”.

The essay focuses on an objective to identify the themes of the festivals and event, analysis of the festivals and event's impacts and the way these impacts need to be monitor. Event management is an important profession and an important part of marketing all around the world; a number of universities are providing education related to it considering the subject as one of the major one.

Themes of events impacts

Festival studies are emerging as a significant sub fields. Festivals occupy a principal place in every religion and culture. This is the reason that the subject is meticulously under observation of a number of scholars in sociology and anthropology fields. The students and professionals interested in interacting with people, attracting a broad audience, and rousing creativity also has a special appeal to the field of festivals and event management.

A number of event studies came into existence as many of the research themes are share. Festivals occupy an important position in the literature related to event management. The researchers conducted in history showed that festivals studies were of prime focus under the head of events. Although, a number of researches publish prior to 1993, but the papers that first deal with the festivals and event management studies remain a part of Canadian Journal of Applied Recreation Research (now called Loisir/Leisure) in 1991. The papers covered a number of geographical factors related to the multicultural festivals and their impact on the economy.

A special analysis of the events between 1990 and 2001 by Hede, Jago and Deery (2002, pp.1-14) is a prominent work in which they reviewed 13 tourism, leisure, and hospitality journals and conference proceedings. The finding indicated that very little research was under investigation for the business, political and religious events; however, the main focused proceedings were those related to community, cultural and sporting events. Marketing remain a prior theme of most of the topics, and a more focus on the impact of the events was under discussion. A matrix on the basis pre stage, during stage and post stage and a point of view of number of stakeholders was bring into focus by them was bring to focus by them.

The latest sub field in the context of event management is Festival management. One of the influential paradigmatic on this subject was Gold ...
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