Etihad Airlines

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Etihad Airlines Strategic Review

Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is to discuss the strategic management process and develop a future strategy for Etihad Airlines by discussing and carrying out different phases of the strategic management process. The report initiates with a discussion about the context and environment of the business strategy. Subsequently, the importance and significance of conducting a stakeholder analysis for an organisation is discussed. In the next section, the report provides a brief overview of Etihad Airlines, followed by an application of strategic positioning technique to conduct the organisational and environmental audit for Etihad Airlines. The key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats pertinent to the organisation are identified. Taking into consideration the discussion related to the context of the organisation, a strategic plan is proposed for Etihad Airlines. The strategic plan identifies different strategic options that can be adopted by Etihad Airlines in the subsequent year. In the later section, the identified strategic options are evaluated and the most appropriate strategic option is selected for Etihad Airlines. The last section discusses the phase of strategy implementation of the selected new future strategy for the organisation. The report concludes with an action plan indicating the implementation tasks and targets for pursuing the proposed strategic option.

Executive Summaryi


Context of the business strategy1

Significance of Stakeholder Analysis3

Overview of Etihad Airlines4

Environmental and Organisational Audit of Etihad Airlines4

Application of SWOT Technique for Strategic Positioning5

Organisational Audit5

Environmental Audit6

Strategic Planning for Etihad Airlines7

Strategic Plan for Etihad Airlines7





Competitive Advantage8

Strengths and Weaknesses9

Strategic Options9

Strategy Evaluation and Selection10

Strategy Evaluation10

Strategy Selection12

Strategy Implementation12

Roles and Responsibilities of Strategy implementation in Etihad and Emirates Airlines13

Resource Requirements for Implementing New Strategy14

Action Plan for the Proposed Strategy15



Etihad Airlines Strategic Review


Strategic management lies at the core of every organisation and business in the contemporary business environment. It helps the organisations to develop and discern an appropriate direction for the future action. This facilitates the organisations to achieve competitive advantage by identifying and assessing the environment and context in which it operates to formulate appropriate strategies. The process of strategic management is based on the notion that the organisation has to continuously monitor the internal and external environment in order to discern the changes need. This helps the organisation to adapt to the changes in a proactive manner and remain competitive. Owing to its significance and importance for an organisation, the process is a complex and integrative one.

This report aims to discuss the strategic management process at one of the leading organisations in the world that is Etihad Airlines. The report purposes to develop a future strategy for Etihad Airlines by discussing and carrying out different phases of the strategic management process.

Context of the business strategy

Any business or organisation is a complex whole which operates in a composite environment. The environment of an organisation is made up of a large number of constituents. Different dimensions of the environment in which a business operates has significant influence on the major and minor decisions of the business (Kew & Stredwick, 2005, ...
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