Ethical Dilemmas (Forensic Psychology)name

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The police department is always criticized, the way they exercise their authority is neither something new nor rare. Police is vested with a favorable formal and physical power, in cases this power is utilized in a pressing and complicated way. In debates, the only supportable answer that police force has is, they are working under the guidance of law and enforcement departments (John,1996).


The problem related to Police harassment is a serious problem. There is no country on the map of the world which can be claimed as completely free from misconduct. In U.S there are currently 19,000 law enforcement agencies operating independently. The ethical dilemmas arising in the prevailing society are intimidation, false arrest, racial profiling; surveillance abuse; political repression; police corruption and sexual abuse

Scenarios of Police Ethical Dilemma

At the start of the day on March 3, 1991; an incident occurred which was a sheer cause of police brutality. There was violent beating of a young man called Rodney King by the police department of Los Angeles. The video of the incident was displayed on media; three police officers were beating Rodney with nightstick repeatedly.

In the year 1996, two men died in handcuffs in just two weeks. They were in the custody of the Palm Beach County sheriff's deputies in Florida. L. Stark was 48 years old , he died of asphyxia and K. Pruiksma ,27 years old; he died after being assaulted by a sheriff's deputy.

In January 1997, K. Desilva, age 34, was shot and killed by a police officer after a moderate speed car chase. Desilva, was unarmed, and was doubted of driving a stolen car.

In February 1997, J. Wilson, age 37 years, an unarmed motor cyclist, beaten up by three Hartford, Connecticut police officers after a chase which came to halt ...
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