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Needs & Wants

People often confuse the words want and need and their definitions. We often mistake things that we want, as part of our needs. Needs are defined as a requirement, a necessity arising from the circumstances of a situation or case. To address the initial question, "what are needs?", needs are what are necessary or a requirement for our survival. Every human needs food, water, and shelter to survive. For survival in our modern society one requires clothing and transportation. Just about anything beyond this could be considered a want rather than a need.

Wants can often feel like needs, that is why we pay them so much attention. Our society, especially that of the United States, is currently geared toward excess, the more stuff you have the higher up on the totem pole you are. Excess also leads to needs turning to extravagant wants. The McMansions that are taking over the suburbs of the nation are an example of a need turning into a want. Another would be the sweeping trend of expensive, designer jeans costing upwards of one hundred to two hundred dollars.

Maslows' Hierarchy of Needs

Abraham Maslow's theory the hierarchy of needs states that people will strive to full fill progressively higher levels of needs and are constantly motivated by the needs, which is diagrammed on pg.5. Maslow established a hierarchy of five levels of basic needs, the person does not feel the second need until the demands of the first have been satisfied, nor the third until the second has been satisfied, and so on. The first need is physiological this includes things such as food, water, and oxygen. This need is one of the strongest motivators. This need has two unique features: 1) it can be completely or overly satisfied, and 2) it is a reoccurring need.

The next step in the hierarchy is the need for safety. After our physiological needs have been met, we are now motivated by our desire and need for safety. Stability, dependency, physical security, and freedom from illness, anxiety, and danger are just a few things we seek. The need for law and order also falls under the heading of safety.

If these first two needs are not met, a person will develop basic anxiety. Failure to have these needs met will result in problems as adults. A person will become neurotic and feel unsafe because of irrational fears carried over from childhood.

The need for love and belongingness is next. The need for love, friendship, a mate, a family and the need to belong to a club, nation or neighborhood mark this level. Many people remain stuck at this stage by instantly trying to be loved and accepted. This often happens when a person is partially denied and affection will go a long time without love. Eventually, the person will devalue love. On the other hand, a person who receives love and is then denied will become rooted in this stage. Only by receiving adequate love can a person continue to ...
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